This repository contains codes and instructions for reproducing the results for our WSDM 2022 paper "MTLTS: A Multi-Task Framework To Obtain Trustworthy Summaries From Crisis-Related Microblogs".
- ./data/gt_summ - contains ground truth summary tweets for each event.
- ./data/features - contains the files required for creating features and generating discourse trees from tweet threads.
- ./data/features/PT_PHEME5_FeatBERT40_Depth5_maxR5_MTL_Final - contains preprocessed trees with features extracted using BERT.
- ./data/features/PT_PHEME5_FeatBERTWEET40_Depth5_maxR5_MTL_Final - contains preprocessed trees with features extracted using BERTweet.
- ./data/summary_dataframes - contains the processed datasets with extended "in-summary" tweets after running Codes/
- ./Codes - contains codes for pre-processing the datasets, creating features, training the models, and performing content analysis of generated summaries.
- ./Codes/Analysis - contains codes for analyzing MTLTS-generated summaries using WestClass and CatE.
- ./Codes/models and ./Codes/utils - contain codes required for running SummaRuNNer-based and
- ./Codes/checkpoints and ./Codes/data - Auxilliary folders required for running the main codes.
Please create the required conda environment using environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
Preprocessed discourse trees are already available under ./data/features as mentioned above. Hence Steps 1 - 5 may be skipped.
Download pheme-rnr-dataset from and save it in ./data/pheme-rnr-dataset/.
Download rumoureval2019 dataset from for stance labels and save it in ./data/rumoureval2019/.
python ./Codes/
Step 3: Expand summary ground truth labels as described in Section 3.1 of the paper and save the summary dataframes as pickle files.
python ./Codes/
Additional files required:
- ./Codes/slang.txt
- ./Codes/contractions.txt
python ./Codes/
Additional files required:
- summary pickle files present in ./data/summary_dataframes (output pickle files from Step 3).
- output files from Step 4.
- ./data/features/all_tweets_posterior.txt
python ./Codes/
Download BERTweet(Bertweet_base_transformers) from and save it under the root folder MTLVS.
python ./Codes/ [argument_list]
Instructions to run the code and sample outputs can be found in STLS_(BERT_Summarunner).ipynb
Default values for various hyper-parameters are set in the code.
python ./Codes/ [argument_list]
We have included the script used to perform grid-search for hyper-parameter tuning for this task.
python ./Codes/
Train MTLTS - Our proposed architecture to jointly train verification and summarization using Multi-task Learning
python ./Codes/ [argument_list]
Instructions to run the code and sample outputs can be found in mtlts_setup.ipynb
saves a dataframe dfsum.pkl
that contains all necessary information to generate the final summary including the tweet-level predictions from the Summarizer and Verifier modules.
Finally, we run
that uses dfsum.pkl
to generate the summary using ILP for various values of kappa
. It also calculates the summary statistics.
python ./Codes/
Codes and instructions to analyze MTLTS-generated summaries using WestClass and CatE can be found under ./Codes/Analysis