Springboot crud operation using H2 db, JPA and swagger
@NotNull: This annotation validates that the annotated property value is not null. If the value is null, a constraint violation is raised.
@AssertTrue: This annotation validates that the annotated property value is true. If the value is false, a constraint violation is raised.
@Size: This annotation validates that the annotated property value has a size between the attributes min and max. This can be applied to String, Collection, Map, and array properties.
@Min: This annotation validates that the annotated property has a value no smaller than the value attribute. This can be applied to numeric properties.
@Max: This annotation validates that the annotated property has a value no larger than the value attribute. This can be applied to numeric properties.
@Email: This annotation validates that the annotated property is a valid email address.
@NotEmpty: This annotation validates that the property is not null or empty. This can be applied to String, Collection, Map or Array values.
@NotBlank: This annotation can be applied only to text values and validates that the property is not null or whitespace.
@Positive and @PositiveOrZero: These annotations apply to numeric values and validate that they are strictly positive, or positive including 0.
@Negative and @NegativeOrZero: These annotations apply to numeric values and validate that they are strictly negative, or negative including 0.
@Past and @PastOrPresent: These annotations validate that a date value is in the past or the past including the present. They can be applied to date types including those added in Java 8.
@Future and @FutureOrPresent: These annotations validate that a date value is in the future, or in the future including the present. They can also be applied to date types.
@Digits: validates that the annotated property is a numeric value with a specified number of digits in total, and a specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
@Pattern: validates that the annotated property matches a specified regular expression pattern.
Note: Use @Valid annotation with entity class in the method parameter to work all validation annotations.