Note : If a Docker container runs inside another Docker container, they both use host's daemon, so all mount paths reference the host, not the container.
- Login to azure dashboard
- Click on user settings --> personal access token
- Select new Token
- Give it a name e.g Azure-pipeline, choose custom defined under Scopes
- Click on Show all scopes, on Agent pools check mark Read & Manage, click on create.
- Copy the token and keep it safe, we will use this later.
- Make sure docker is installed on the VM. I have used vagrant to deploy a VM and installed docker on it.
- Run the below commands:-
export AZP_URL=
export AZP_TOKEN="Enter your token"
docker run --network="host" --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker \
-v /usr/local/bin/docker-compose:/usr/bin/docker-compose \
-v /azp/_work:/azp/_work --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
--name azureagentdocker -e AZP_URL=$AZP_URL \
Note - I have prebuilt the image, if you need you can use the dockerfile to modify anything. Please follow the above microsoft link for more reference.
- Login to Azure devops dashboard.
- Select project
- Select project settings at the left bottom.
- Go to service connection.
- New service connection.
- Select docker registry.
- Change Docker Registry URL to
- Enter Docker ID, Docker Password and give connection a name.
- You can select to Grant access permission to all pipelines depending on your use case and save.
- Create a file to run a pipeline. eg azure-pipeline.yaml and push to your repo on github.
- Make sure to use the connection name created above for nvContainerRegistry and containerRegistry.
- Login to azure devops dashboard
- Create a project
- To create a new pipleine, click on New pipeline.
- Choose github
- It might ask for authorisation, login and authorise.
- Choose the appropriate repo created in the first step.
- On the configure tab, select Existing Azure pipelines YAML files, select the branch and path as per your repo and file, and click continue
- Save or run the pipeline, it might ask to permit, allow it.
- You might want to add docker username or password as env, if you want to push the image. Edit the pipeline, click on variables, add docker username/password as required. Use those environment variable in azure-pipeline.yaml. I have used DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASSWORD.