Transforms Upsource webhooks to Slack compatible requests
- ReviewCreatedFeedEventBean
- ReviewStateChangedFeedEventBean
- ParticipantStateChangedFeedEventBean
- NewParticipantInReviewFeedEventBean
- RemovedParticipantFromReviewFeedEventBean
- DiscussionFeedEventBean
Tested to run on NodeJS 6. Other versions may be supported.
The Slack webhook end point needs to be provided in config.json in the following format:
"slackWebhookUrl": "link-to-slack-webhook"
Save this file in the root directory of the project.
See sample.config.json
for an example.
The application runs on port 4000. Redirect Upsource webhook to this address.
you can ommit ?channel=(.*)
parameter, in which case the notification
will be posted to the hook's default channel
Copy sample.config.json
to config.json
and adjust webhook url, upsource user and
password, then as usual:
- Install npm dependencies by running
npm install
- Start the application by executing
npm start