A simple lightweight WYSIWYG editor
DEMO: https://rajohan.no/typeit
INFO: I have alot of school work at the moment but, a update will be comming soon. I am working on a complete rewrite of the editor to make use of SlateJS.
$ npm i react-typeit
import TypeIt from "react-typeit";
import "react-typeit/build/styles.min.css"
Note: For the editor icons to work copy the "images" folder from /node_modules/react-typeit/build/ to your project's public path. The images needs to resolve on YOUR_SERVER/images/react-typeit
To use the component simply render it
<TypeIt />
: Returns the new content of the editor after change.
: Pass your own config to the editor (optional)
import TypeItConfig from "./myConfig";
onChange={content => console.log(content)}
If you want to change some of the appearance or functionality of the editor you can pass it your own config. For now you will have to redefine the whole config object, this will be made easier on a later point.
: root directory for the toolbar icons
: Array of toolbar tools. Each array inside the root array will create
a new "group" of tools that gets separated with a border right from the next toolbar group.
: root directory for the emoticon icons
: available emoticon icons
- toolbar.tools and toolbar.icons names need to be equal to the image name in your imgRoot (without the file extension)
- Only SVG icons are supported as they are injected to the html with react-svg
Default config
const config = {
toolbar: {
imgRoot: "images/react-typeit/",
tools: [
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
["header1", "header2"],
["quote", "code", "horizontalRule"],
["listUnordered", "listOrdered"],
["alignLeft", "alignCenter", "alignRight", "alignJustify"],
["indent", "outdent"],
["link", "image"],
["emoticon", "formatClear"],
emoticons: {
imgRoot: "images/react-typeit/emoticons/",
icons: [
"smile", "wink", "tongue", "grin", "laugh", "frowny", "unsure", "cry",
"grumpy", "angry", "astonished", "afraid", "nerd", "dejected", "bigEyes",
"sunglasses", "confused", "silent", "love", "kiss"
export default config;
Bugs and requests: submit them through the project's issues tracker.
Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Raymond Johannessen.
rajohan.no · GitHub @rajohan · Twitter @rajohan