A simple BrainFuck Interpreter Built in Java
Brainfuck is a so-called esoteric programming language, meaning it's "intentionally unusual" (Chris Pressey). Brainfuck was invented by Urban Müller, whose goal was to create the smallest possible compiler.
Brainfuck only has 8 operators that are all written as a single character, but despite its restrictiveness, any program that can be written in pure C can be written in brainfuck too.
The 8 operators are: +-<>[].,
- { + } increase byte under pointer
- { - } decrease byte under pointer
- { > } increase pointer
- { < } decrease pointer
- { [ } start a loop if byte under pointer is not 0
- { ] } return to matching [
- { . } print byte under pointer to standard output (often screen)
- { , } read input from standard input (often keyboard) to byte under pointer