/clear chat
- The chat cleaning plugin for u'r server, believe you don't need it.
- permission: ficure.clearchat
/spawnboss (enderman | skeleton | wither | creeper)
- Can spawn four boss mobs - EnderMan, Creeper, Wither, Skeleton
- permission: ficure.spawnboss
/me (hello | whatsup | goodbye)
- Share u'r reactions with other
- permission:
/calculate (num1 +,-,*,/ num2)
- Calculate.. yes?
- permission: ficure.calculate
/kit (start | medium | maximum)
- Give the start, medium, and maximum kit for u'r players!
- permission: ficure.kitstart, ficure.kitmedium, ficure.kitmaximum
- Heales the player!
- permission: ficure.heal
- Feeds the player!
- permission: ficure.feed
- Set food level for players!
- permission: ficure.setfood
- Set health level for players!
- permission: ficure.sethealth
- Broadcasting u'r message for all players!
- permission: ficure.broadcast
- Vanishes you from other players!
- permission: ficure.vanish
- You can set Vanish for other player!
- permission: ficure.setvanish
Events Update:
- Added cooldown for commands
- Ckeck for player, better experience with console
- New loot from Wither Boss
- onJoin events. custom join message
- New type of Zombie "Street Walker" {WILL BE REMOVED SOON}
Chat Update:
- Now u can write message with symbol (&) YOU can use colors!
File Update/Design:
- Updated some files, better expirience with comments!
- Updated folders, and source code design
- Updated code.
- Now we have PERMISSIONS.
- Now we have CONFIG. You can some messages there.
In Development:
- Announcements
- /clear inventory {in development}
- Configurate all messages {in development}
All this about beautifully design everywhere but only not in the code 😂