This role installs the iDempiere and necessary software, including Java and PostgreSQL.
Variable Name | Default Value | Description |
idempiere_home | /opt/idempiere-server. | iDempiere installation folder |
java_home | /opt/jdk11 | Java installation folder |
java_version | zulu@1.11.0-10 | Java provider and version, e.g. amazon-corretto@1.11.0-4.11.1, adopt@1.11.0-11. Check Jabba for more information: |
postgres_version | 15 | PostgreSQL version |
postgres_install | true | By default, postgres is installed |
app_port | 8080 | Application standard port |
app_server | | Application bind address |
app_ssl | 8443 | SSL port |
db_host | localhost | DB hostname or IP |
db_name | idempiere | Database name |
db_pass | MyWeak_Pa55w0rd | Database password |
db_port | 5432 | Database port |
db_system | MyWeak_Pa55w0rd | Postgres database user password |
db_type | 2 | 1=Oracle (not supported), 2=PostgreSQL |
db_user | adempiere | Database user |
ks_country | BR | Keystore country |
ks_locale | Sao Paulo | Keystore locale |
ks_organization_unit | Systems | Keystore unit |
ks_organization | iDempiere Community | Keystore organization |
ks_pass | MyWeak_Pa55w0rd | Keystore password |
ks_state | SP | Keystore state/region |
mail_admin | superuser @ | Admin e-mail |
mail_login | none | Admin SMTP user/login |
mail_pass | none | Admin SMTP password |
mail_server | localhost | Admin SMTP server |
This role include a folder called "example_playbook", you can find docker files to launch an empty Ubuntu for testing.
- hosts: all
- idempiere
Ricardo Santana