Database name: MAS_V4_DB
Version : 8952 | 15 November 2015
Older versions: 8903 | 11 November 2015
Contact: ramonm at
Sanger environmental marine sequences of the V4-V5 regions, retrieved until January 2010.
Classified to class-level using phylogenetic trees
Further modifications to add missing taxa
8952 sequences, about 500 bp in size
Based on the sequences presented in Pernice et al. 2013. PLoS ONE 8:e57170 (
- Initially there were 8291 Sanger sequences classified in 65 taxonomic groups
- These were grouped at 99% with Usearch (~3304 sequences) and then were further verified with a few extra changes
- Metazoans and fungi were downloaded from PR2, and also grouped at 99% with Usearch. This resulted in 3593 additional sequences
- Add stramenopiles (including MAST and MOCH clades and subclades) as in Massana et al. 2014. ISME J. 8: 854-866
- Adds opisthokonta including del Campo & Ruiz-Trillo 2013. Mol. Biol. Evol. 30:802–805
- Amoebozoa not separated in classes
- Chlorophyta lacks all classes except Prasinophyceae (including Mamiellophyceae) and Trebouxiophyceae
- Metazoa not separated in classes
- On the other hand, excavata highly separated
- Fungi checked individually
Ascomycota - Perfect
Basidiomicota - Perfect
Mucoromycota - Perfect
Chytridiomycota - Rather good
Cryptomycota - Perfect
There is a clade that includes all Blastocladiomycota, together with smaller clades
with a fraction of Entomophthoromycota, Kickxellomycota, Zoopagomycota, Chytridiomycota,
and Mucoromycota
Based on MAS_V4_8903 with the following modifications
1 - Add missing taxa within previous groups (6): 3 Dinophyceae; 1 Layrinthulomycete; 2 MALV-I
2 - Add missing groups (22)
Ellobiopsidae (3)
Nephroselmis (3)
Ulvophyceae (2)
Chlorophyceae (1)
Rhodophyta (13)
3 - Add nucleomorphs
Retrieve all OTUs classified as nucleomorphs (98 OTUs)
Cluster them at 97% similarity - 21 OTUs remaining
Do a GenBank search for similar sequences
Add 21 nucleomorphs
4 - Align all these 49 sequences together with some references from Massimo and cut to
keep the V4-V5 regions
5 - Separate Mamiellophytes (and Chlororendrophyceae) from Prasinophyceae
Present limitation (to imporve in the future)
Separate Amoebozoa in classes