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Julien Ramboz edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the helix-project-boilerplate wiki!

Plugins system


In its current state, the official Franklin boilerplate has a few shortcomings regarding long-term maintainability:

  • it is easy for project teams to break the loading sequence in scripts.js, and you hence lose the benefits of the 3 phases
  • it is hard to distinguish project code from core boilerplate logic, and to merge back improvements without conflicts
  • centralizing the logic in 2 main files, lib-franklin.js and scripts.js, quickly grows out of proportion on serious projects, and the increase in size essentially impacts the LCP negatively
  • code isn't easily testable, so it's easy to introduce regressions without knowing

Driving principles

The plugin system tries to improve on the above by offering:

  • Protection of the loading sequence (Eager, Lazy & Delayed phases)
  • Separation of concerns in lib-franklin.js and scripts.js
  • Increased code testability and maintainability
  • a PSI/LH score that sits at 100 by default
  • easy "hooks" for plugins to inject key logic in the right places in the loading sequence
  • controlled execution context with core helper methods exposed to avoid cyclic dependencies and imports

Loading a plugin

Plugins can be loaded via the withPlugin method in lib-franklin.js:

import { init, withPlugin } from './lib-franklin.js';


const options = { ... };
const pluginApi = await withPlugin('/plugins/myPlugin/index.js', options);

async function loadEager(doc, options) {


The options object accepts an optional condition method to only activate the plugin if some criteria are met:

import { init, getMetadata, withPlugin } from './lib-franklin.js';

await withPlugin('/plugins/myPlugin/index.js', {
  condition: () => getMetadata('foo') === 'bar

async function loadEager(doc, options) {
  // this.context.myPlugin will only be available if the `foo` meta element had the right value


Note that core plugins are automatically loaded by default, so you don't have to explicitly load them again.

Execution context

Plugin methods are all executed with a custom context that provides access to core helper methods and plugins on the this object.

// defining some logic running before the Eager phase
export async function init(document, options) {
  // this.getMetadata('foo')
  // this.loadCSS('/styles.css', cb)
  // this.readBlockConfig(block)
  // this.toCamelCase(str)
  // this.toClassName(str)
  // this.plugins


The plugin system will automatically recognize exported methods that match one of the hooks and trigger it at the right time:

Event script.js methods plugin hooks
Initialization - init or default
Start of eager phase - preEager
Eager phase loadEager -
End of eager phase - postEager
Start of lazy phase - preLazy
Lazy phase loadLazy patchBlockConfig
End of lazy phase - postLazy
Configurable timeout delayedDuration … 3s
Start of delayed phase - preDelayed
Delayed phase loadDelayed -
End of delayed phase - postDelayed
// defining some logic running before the Eager phase
export async function preEager(document, options) {
  // options.myOption: accessing an option defined when loading the plugin
  // this.plugins.myPlugin.myMethod(…): accessing a public method from another plugin via the execution context


Plugins can also expose a public API so you can directly access them in scripts.js or in other plugins that depend on them.

// this isn't publicly exposed and only available to direct importers
export function aMethodNotExposedInTheApi() {  }

// this is publicly exposed in the execution context
export const api = {
  aMethodExposedInTheApi: () => {  }

Minimal example

Here is a minimal example of a scripts.js file containing an inline plugin to showcase the loading sequence:

import {
} from './lib-franklin.js';

console.log('project init');

await withPlugin(() => {
  console.log('plugin init');
  return {
    name: 'foo',
    api: {
      hello: (user = 'world') => `Hello ${user}!`
    preEager: function() {
    postEager: function() {
    preLazy: function() {
    postLazy: function() {
    preDelayed: function(doc, options) {
      console.log('preDelayed', `after ${options.delayedDuration}ms`);
    postDelayed: function() {
}, {});

 * loads everything needed to get to LCP.
async function loadEager() {

 * loads everything that doesn't need to be delayed.
async function loadLazy() {

 * loads everything that happens a lot later, without impacting
 * the user experience.
function loadDelayed() {

  delayedDuration: 1337,

This would output:
Screenshot 2023-01-02 at 11 29 04 AM

Core plugins

Name Description
Real User Monitoring A plugin that collects RUM data using the Franklin infrastructure
Decorator A plugin that offers the most common decoration logic for sections, blocks, buttons, icons, etc.
Normalizer A plugin that normalizes and sanitizes the HTML markup
Placeholders A plugin that fetches placeholder values in the lazy phase
Preview A plugin that provides a minimal UI library to create overlays for dev/preview


Name Description
Experimentation A plugin to run A/B test scenarios
Heatmap A plugin to overlay a heatmap over the page with relevant metrics
PerfLogger A plugin that outputs key performance metrics to the console (page load, CWV, etc.)
Screens A plugin to support digital signage scenarios for AEM Screens
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