This repo contains react/redux practices. First several folders are created by following two great free egghead courses respectively.
After first several folders i enhanced todo-app by using additional redux environment libraries and more.
Contains basics of redux and primitive examples. These examples are from "Getting Started with Redux". Every example has url (at the beginning of the file) to related example. If these urls are not working anymore, please create single HTML page and include followed libraries for make examples work again:
- redux/3.6.0
- react/15.4.2
- react-dom/15.4.2
- react-redux/5.0.3
- expect/latest (for tests)
- deepfreeze/latest (for tests)
Use exact versions if your example if not working. Maybe somethings were changed.
Continuation of the Primitive folder with adding react. These examples also from "Getting Started with Redux". And they also have url. If urls not working consult above.
This folder contains first form of "Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux" course content. You can also navigate to ramesaliyev/todos repo (forked from gaearon/todos) to see step-by-step evolution (follow evolution via well-named branches) of this structured version of todo app.
Continuation of the Structured folder by watching "Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux" course. This folder contains last shape of example. Consult above if you want to check step-by-step evolution.
Note: Some of examples contains Turkish inline descriptions in it. And it gonna stay that way for Turkish users.