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TelkomSehat Web Application | Laravel Framework 10.48.22


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TelkomSehat Laravel Project

TelkomSehat is a digital health solution developed by Telkom Indonesia. This project provides online health services that make it easier for Indonesians to consult with doctors, order medicines, and get the latest health information.


  • Laravel Framework 10.48.22


  • Haidaruddin Muhammad Ramdhan (1301204459) — @ramhaidar
  • Ahmad Fasya Adila (1301204231) — @AhmadFasya
  • Muhammad Dimas Rifki Irianto (1301204112) — @dimasrfq
  • Muhammad Hiksal Daeng Jusuf Bauw (1301204416) — @hiksalmuhammad
  • Robith Naufal Razzak (1301204017) — @robithnr

Main Features

  • Online Health Consultation: Users can consult with doctors online through this platform.
  • Medicine Ordering: Users can order medicines that will be delivered directly to their homes.
  • Health Information: This platform provides the latest health information to help users maintain their health.

Project Structure

  • app/: Contains the main application code, including models, controllers, and providers.
  • bootstrap/: Contains the bootstrap files for the application.
  • config/: Contains configuration files for various application components.
  • database/: Contains database migrations and seeders.
  • public/: Contains publicly accessible files, including assets like images and stylesheets.
  • resources/: Contains views and other assets.
  • routes/: Contains route definitions for the application.
  • storage/: Contains files generated by the application, such as logs and cache.
  • tests/: Contains unit and feature tests for the application.
  • vendor/: Contains third-party dependencies installed via Composer.

How to Run

  • Install XAMPP and Run Apache and MySQL
  • Copy file .env.example to .env
  • Set your database configuration in .env file in the following lines as needed:
  • Create a Database with the same name as the value DB_DATABASE in MySQL (Can Use PHPMyAdmin)
  • Open a Command Prompt in the Laravel Project Root Folder
    • Execute the following command to install the dependencies needed by Laravel:
      composer install
    • Generate a new application key by running the following command in the terminal:
      php artisan key:generate
    • Run the following command to create database tables:
      php artisan migrate
    • Execute the following command for seeding database data:
      php artisan db:seed --class=AwalanSeeder
  • After the above steps have been performed run the following command to start the local server and open the app in the browser:
    php artisan serve

Predefined Users

  • Patient:

    • Nama: Muhammad Dimas Rifki Irianto
      Username: dimasrfq
      Password: dimas123
    • Nama: Ahmad Fasya Adila
      Username: ahmadfasya
      Password: fasya123
    • Nama: Muhammad Hiksal Daeng Jusuf Bauw
      Username: hiksal
      Password: hiksal123
    • Nama: Robith Naufal Razzak
      Username: robithnaufal
      Password: robithnaufal123
    • Nama: Haidaruddin Muhammad Ramdhan
      Username: haidarx
      Password: haidarx123
  • Dokter:

    • Kode Dokter: FSV
      Spesialis: Dokter Gigi
      Username: fanie
      Password: fanie123
    • Kode Dokter: SOL
      Spesialis: Dokter Umum
      Username: solikin
      Password: solikin123
    • Kode Dokter: GAW
      Spesialis: Dokter Kulit
      Username: gedeagung
      Password: gedeagung123
    • Kode Dokter: COK
      Spesialis: Psikiater
      Username: tjokor
      Password: tjokor123
    • Kode Dokter: ADR
      Spesialis: Dokter THT
      Username: drian
      Password: drian123
  • Paramedis:

    • Kode Paramedis: TPR
      Spesialis: Tim Tapir
      Username: tapir
      Password: tapir123
    • Kode Paramedis: KSR
      Spesialis: Tim Kasuari
      Username: kasuari
      Password: kasuari123
    • Kode Paramedis: KMD
      Spesialis: Tim Komodo
      Username: komodo
      Password: komodo123


  • Halaman Beranda:

  • Halaman Login:

  • Dashboard Dokter:

  • Dashboard Mahasiswa:

  • Dashboard Paramedis:


We welcome contributions from anyone. Please create a pull request or open an issue to report bugs or suggest new features.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.