- This builds ontop of the original Niffler toool the group used
- Code is reduced/modified so that extraction of PNGS/Tomo/CT/MRI are in a single interface with up todate dependenceis
- Have an enviroment with python 3.10 installed
cd /path/To/Repo
python3 -m pip install -r ./reqs.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .
python3 -m A3IDicomTools.DicomExtract --ConfigPath ./YourConfig.json
"DICOMHome": "PathToDicomFolders",
"SaveBatchSize": 20,
"SavePNGs": true,
"PublicHeadersOnly": true,
"SpecificHeadersOnly": false,
"NumProcesses": 10,
"ApplyVOILUT": true,
- SaveBatchSize: Sometimes dicom tags are excessively large. As a workaround we save batches of metadata with sizes (100-200) if using privateTages
- SavePngs: Save the images. If set to False no images are saved
- PublicHeadersOnly: If set to false we will also output Private dicom tags. 99.9% of the time private tags are not used
- SpecificHeadersOnly: DONOT modify
- NumProcesses: Number of processes to use for parallel extraction. Warning more does not always mean better.
- ApplyVoiLut: Apply Windowing operation only used for mammograms and x-ray images
- Extractor: Type of extractor to use Currently support
- "PNG" for Mammograms,X-ray,RetinalFundus any Modality that is stored as 2D
- "TOMO" Process multiframe Tomography images. Only processes images with specific SOPClassUIDs.