Replicate study for Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network with tensorflow
In development and frozen. Not intended to work.
Taken from
| Dataset | Image source | Download full results | |---- | ---|----| ----| | Set 5 | Bevilacqua et al. BMVC 2012 | 16.1 MB| | Set 14 | Zeyde et al. LNCS 2010 | 86.0 MB| | Urban 100 | Huang et al. CVPR 2015 | 1.14 GB| | BSD 100 | Martin et al. ICCV 2001 | 568 MB| | Sun-Hays 80 | Sun and Hays ICCP 2012 | 311 MB|