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Abhishek Singh edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

IECSE Machine Learning Winter Project 2018

Welcome to the IECSE Machine Learning Winter Project 2018! This is a great chance at trying your hand at the current hottest field in tech. This winter project will get you started with the core basics of machine learning and related skills which then can be built upon to learn advanced concepts.

This is quite an intense winter project and will require dedication and hard work. Don't be dishearted if you don't understand a topic. You can always contact one of your mentors or just post the doubt on the ML Winter Project group. Also, Google is your friend. Make sure you try your best to understand the topic on your own first by googling it and looking up recourses. This will not only make your concepts stronger but also help later on as most of the skills you'll be acquiring in the coming years, will be self-taught.

Trust us, if you complete this project and clear your doubts, you'll be way ahead of the crowd by the time the vacations end.

Best of luck!


1. How does this project work?

The project is divided into 4 weeks of content. Each week you will be learning new things, but which will use the last weeks content too. So make sure you don't skip weeks in between. Try to finish of the given work in that specified week itself. But in case you do fall behind, try to cover up as soon as possible. Don't be shy and ask your mentors and friends for help if needed. As silly as the doubt may seem, we can guarantee that at least a few more people have it, so don't be afraid to ask!

Every week the table of contents will be updated with links to the new content. Make sure you follow the order in which it's given. We also have a few tasks/ mini-projects planned for you, the code of which you will have to push to this repo once done.

2. I've finished the week before time, Now what?

There's always so much more to do with the topics given in this project. Try to go deeper with the concepts or try practicing the stuff you've learnt by making small projects. Ask your mentors to give you extra work if you can't think of anything. We'll make sure you're occupied ;)

3. What is the list of things I'll need while doing the project?

A computer is a good start.
Apart from that, a detailed list of software prerequistises will be given at the start of each tutorial as the weeks progress. A basic list of things that you will need is -

  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • Github accounts
  • Computer/ Laptop with atleast 4GB RAM (Recommended)

Don't worry if you don't know what these things are till now. You'll get detailed instructions before the start of each tutorial and will get instructions on how to install them.

4. I don't know Python, can I still do this project?

Don't worry, the amount of python shown to you in the first week, here, is about all the python you need. If we feel that we need to add a bit more, we will and inform you about it. Apart from that it's highly recommended that you look up a bit of python on your own too!