A node.js stream-based API for communicating with Microsoft SQL Server
Stream-sql is a node package with a simple goal: provide a stream-based and easier to use API for Tedious. Stream-sql transforms the result sets read from Tedious into a node object stream, enabling a functional approach to your noding when dealing with Microsoft SQL Server on the backend.
NOTE: Stream-sql does not support fully buffering all rows in the result set into memory. If you want your result-set as an array, either buffer it yourself or use Tedious directly.
Stream-sql is registered with npm as stream-sql, so installation is as easy as
npm install stream-sql
Below is a simple example that connects to a SQL Server hosted at localhost and writes the result objects to standard out. It uses JSONStream to transform the objects into JSON on the fly.
var sql = require("stream-sql");
var JSONStream = require("JSONStream");
var config = {
connections : {
"default" : {
server : "localhost"
userName: "user",
password: "pass"
var transformStream = JSONStream.stringify();
var query = "select * from mytable";
var responseStream = sql.execute(query);