YelpSharper is a .NET wrapper for the Yelp REST API v3 developer preview. The library is written in C#.
For more information, visit the Yelp REST API
In most cases, you're going to want to install the YelpSharp NuGet package. Open up the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio, and run this command:
PM> Install-Package YelpFusion.Client -Version 1.0.2
//Create client instance
var yelpFusionClient = new YelpFusionClient();
//Get accesstoken using app client id & client secret
var tokenResponse = yelpFusionClient.GetToken("Your client id here", "Your client secret here");
//Assign token to make further API calls to Yelp
yelpFusionClient.AccessToken = tokenResponse.AccessToken;
var searchResponse = yelpFusionClient.Search(new BusinessSearchOptions{Term = "indian food", Latitude = 40.581140M, Longitude = -111.914184M});
//Search by phone
var searchByPhoneResponse = yelpFusionClient.SearchByPhone("+18014384823");
//Get business by id
var businessResponse = yelpFusionClient.GetBusiness("india-palace-south-jordan-2");
//Get business reviews
var reviewsResponse = yelpFusionClient.GetBusinessReviews("india-palace-south-jordan-2");
//Search by transaction type
var searchTransactionResponse = yelpFusionClient.SearchByTransaction("delivery", new TransactionSearchOptions { Latitude = 40.581140M, Longitude = -111.914184M });
var autocompleteResponse = yelpFusionClient.Autocomplete(new AutoCompleteOptions { Text = "india", Latitude = 40.581140M, Longitude = -111.914184M });
If you want to build the source, clone the repository, and open up YelpSharp.sln.
git clone
explorer YelpFusionSharp\YelpFusionSharp.sln
YelpSharp targets .NET >=4.0. If you would like support for other platforms, let me know.
Feel free to submit an issue on the repository.