LAML is a maximum likelihood algorithm under the Probabilistic Mixed-type Missing (PMM) model. Given a lineage tracing experiment character matrix with heterogeneous per-site alphabets and mutation probabilities, LAML will find a maximum likelihood tree topology and estimate branch lengths as well as stochastic dropout and heritable silencing missing data rates.
For additional information about the method refer to the paper and the website.
The following precursors are required to install and run LAML
The software requires python >= 3.8 and pip.
The software uses MOSEK for numerical optimization, which requires a license. Please do the following 2 steps:
- Visit this page to get a free academic license.
- After obtaining the license file
, follow this page to place the license file in the correct place.
The latest stable version is available on PyPI. To install, use the following command:
pip install laml
After installation, type the following for testing
If LAML was installed properly, you would see on the screen Running tests for LAML...
to begin, and print progress dots (one for each test passed).
At the end, you should see the following message:
Ran 80 tests in 13.486s
Now, type
run_laml -h
to see the commandline help of LAML.
New releases are available on the github releases. To get a specific release version, simply download the corresponding .whl
file and install using pip. For instance, to install LAML version 0.0.2, you need to download the file LAML-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl, then use pip
to install it, as follows:
pip install LAML-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
Alternatively, if you wish to install the (developing) version available on Github, you need to install from source. Do the following steps:
- Clone the LAML github to your machine:
git clone
- Change directory to the
folder. Then usepip
to install from source.pip install .
- After installation, run
as instructed above.
run_laml -c <character_matrix> -t <tree_topology>
LAML requires the following two input files:
- A file containing the character matrix, a comma-separated values (CSV) file that has rows representing cells and columns representing target sites. This file must have a header showing a list of site names and every subsequent line must begin with the cell name. Values of the character matrix must be either non-negative integers or '?', with 0 indicating the unmutated state, other integers indicating mutated state, and '?' as the missing data character. Refer to the paper for more details.
cell_name | site_1 | site_2 |
cell_1 | 1 | 2 |
cell_2 | 0 | 2 |
cell_3 | 1 | 0 |
- A tree topology, given in newick format.
See an example character matrix in examples/example1/character_matrix.csv and an example tree topology in examples/example1/starting.tree
There are four output files:
: The output tree with time-resolved branch lengthsLAML_output_params.txt
: This file reports the dropout rate, silencing rate, and negative log-likelihood.LAML_output_annotations.txt
: This file contains the inferred maximum likelihood sequences for all internal nodes and leaf nodes, with possible characters and associated probabilities for sites with more than one possibility.LAML_output.log
: The LAML logfile.
We provide two examples for two common LAML use cases. See for more details.
LAML has the following additional options for I/O
input options:
--delimiter DELIMITER The delimiter of the input character matrix. Can be one of {'comma','tab','whitespace'} .Default: 'comma'.
-m MISSING_DATA, --missing_data MISSING_DATA Missing data character. Default: if not specified, assumes '?'.
-p PRIORS, --priors PRIORS The input prior matrix Q. Default: if not specified, use a uniform prior.
output options:
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output prefix. Default: LAML_output
-v, --verbose Show verbose messages.
The software allows some flexibility on the format of the input character matrix, using -m
and --delimiter
options. For example, if the character matrix is in the tab-separated values (CSV) file format, it will still be accepted if --delimiter Tab
is specified. The placeholder of the missing character can also be adjusted using -m
. For instance, if the input file has missing entries represented by "-" instead of "?", it will still be accepted if -m -
is specified.
Note: LAML also accepts a character matrix that contains negative integers and/or non-alphanumeric values and treats them all as a placeholder for missing entries. However, for best practices, the user should explicitly specify their missing data character using -m
While not strictly required, mutation priors can have a large effect on the outputs. If no mutation priors are provided, LAML uses uniform priors
by default. However, if possible we highly recommend specifying mutation prior using -p
. We accept the following two formats for mutation priors:
Recommended A file containing the prior matrix, a comma-separated values (CSV) file, with three columns: site index, character state, and probability. The site index and character states must be integers, and the probability must be a float. We do not expect the unmutated state to appear in the alphabet. See an example input prior file in examples/example1/priors.csv.
Not recommended We also accept Python-pickled files, as this is the indel prior output format for Cassiopeia. We print a warning if the keys of the pickled prior dictionary do not match the site names in your provided character matrix file.
The user can change the output prefix using -o
. The default prefix is LAML_output
. The software can be run in verbose mode using -v
Below are some other important options available in LAML. For full documentation, please run run_laml -h
-L COMPUTE_LLH, --compute_llh COMPUTE_LLH Compute log-likelihood of the input tree using the input (phi,nu). Will NOT optimize branch lengths, phi, or nu. The input tree MUST have branch lengths. This option has higher priority than --topology_search and --resolve_search.
--noSilence Assume there is no gene silencing, but allow missing data by dropout in sc-sequencing. Does not necessarily produce ultrametric trees, and cannot be time-scaled. This option has higher priority than --timescale or --ultrametric.
--noDropout Assume there is no sc-sequencing dropout, but allow missing data by gene silencing.
--timescale TIMESCALE Timeframe of experiment. Scales ultrametric output tree branches to this timescale. Default: 1.0.
--solver SOLVER Specify a solver. Options are 'Scipy' or 'EM'. Default: EM
--nInitials NINITIALS The number of initial points. Default: 20.
--topology_search Perform topology search using NNI operations. Always returns a fully resolved (i.e. binary) tree.
--resolve_search Resolve polytomies by performing topology search ONLY on branches with polytomies. This option has higher priority than --topology_search.
--keep_polytomies Keep polytomies while performing topology search. This option only works with --topology_search.
--parallel Turn on parallel version of topology search.
--randomreps RANDOMREPS Number of replicates to run for the random strategy of topology search.
--maxIters MAXITERS Maximum number of iterations to run topology search.