This code was developed as part of the course Design and Analysis of Algorithms of the Graduate Program in Computer Science of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
In this work is presented some heuristics and approximation algorithms to solve the Rank Aggregation Problem based on Kameny Young method. Rank aggregation problem can be defined as: "The problem of computing a consensus ranking of the alternatives, given the individual ranking preferences of several judges"[1].
Rank aggragation has been extensively studied in the context of social choice theory, where many vote systems were proposed. The Kemeny-Young method is one of the most classical and natural. The problem of computing Kemeny-Young ranking is NP-hard[2] even if there are 4 voters.
The implmented algorithms are the followings:
- Pick_A_List: 2-approximation algorithm
- kPick_A_List: 2-approximation algorithm with locally kamenization(guarantees Condorcet winner)
- FAS_pivot: 2-approximation algorithm
- kFas_pivot: 2-approximation algorithm with locally kamenization(guarantees Condorcet winner)
- FHP_greedy: greedy algorithm
- kFHP_greedy: greedy algorithm with locally kamenization(guarantees Condorcet winner)
- Mixed: meta-heuristic, returns the best result among the results of the above algorithms
For further details consult the file Final_Project_PAA.pdf which is found in this repository(Unfortunately, it is portuguese because I had no time to translate it to English - sorry)
- [3] N. Ailon, M. Charikar, and A. Newman. Aggregation inconsistent information: Ranking and clustering. 2005.
- [3] A. Bar-Noy and J. Naor. Sorting, minimal feedback sets and hamilton paths in tournaments. 1988.
- [5] C. Dwork, R. Kumar, M. Naor, and D. Sivakumar. Rank Aggregation Methods for the Web. WWW10, 2001.
- [6] C. Dwork, R. Kumar, M. Naor, and D. Sivakumar. Rank Aggregation Revisited. 10th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2001.
- [7] J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos. Algorithm Design . Addison Wesley, 2006.
- [8] G. Lv. An Analysis of Rank Aggregation, 2014.
- [9] H. P. Young. Condorcet's theory of voting. AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW,84(4), December 1988