forge install openzeppelin-contracts-500=OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v5.0.0
cd cd lib/openzeppelin-contracts-500
git checkout tags/v5.0.0
cd ../..
See remappings.txt
to see how to work with different OpenZeppelin versions in parallel
cat remappings.txt
This repository uses submodules. To checkout or update to the latest submodules, run the following command after updating to any revision (or checking out the repository)
git submodule update --recursive
npm run build
npm run test
npm run ptest
npm run test-with-gas
npm run coverage
Install the dependencies before running the script below for the first time.
npm install
The deploy script will deploy all required contracts and create a test instance with a test product and a test pool.
# run deployment on a locally created ganache instance
hh run scripts/deploy_all.ts
# set appropriate values vor env variables (see below)
# run deployment on another network
hh run --network <networkname> scripts/deploy_all.ts
Environment variables:
set totrue
to skip etherscan verification (required for ganacht and anvil)WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID
set to infura project id (required for mumbai and mainnet)WALLET_MNEMONIC
the mnemonic of the wallet to use for deployment (required for mumbai and mainnet)ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
the api key for etherscan/polygonscan (required for mumbai and mainnet)
hh console --network <networkname>
me = hre.ethers.Wallet.fromPhrase('...')
provider = hre.ethers.provider
await provider.getBalance(me)
forge build
# contract sizes
forge build --sizes | grep Instance
forge test
# run single test case
forge test --mt test_decimals
# run single test case with substantial logginglogging
# to include logs as well use -vvvvv
forge test -vvvv --mt test_decimals
# provide gas report for a single test
forge test --mt test_decimals --gas-report
forge coverage
Chisel session
import "./contracts/components/Component.sol";
import "./contracts/components/IPool.sol";
import "./contracts/components/IProduct.sol";
import "./contracts/components/Pool.sol";
import "./contracts/components/Product.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/access/Access.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/access/IAccess.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/component/ComponentModule.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/component/IComponent.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/IInstance.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/policy/IPolicy.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/policy/PolicyModule.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/product/IProductService.sol";
import "./contracts/instance/product/ProductService.sol";
import "./contracts/registry/IRegistry.sol";
import {Instance} from "./contracts/instance/Instance.sol";
import {Registry} from "./contracts/registry/Registry.sol";
import {DeployAll} from "./scripts/DeployAll.s.sol";
import {TestPool} from "./test_forge/mock/TestPool.sol";
import {TestProduct} from "./test_forge/mock/TestProduct.sol";
string memory instanceOwnerName = "instanceOwner";
address instanceOwner = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(instanceOwnerName))));
string memory productOwnerName = "productOwner";
address productOwner = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(productOwnerName))));
string memory poolOwnerName = "poolOwner";
address poolOwner = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(poolOwnerName))));
string memory customerName = "customer";
address customer = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(customerName))));
DeployAll deployer = new DeployAll();
Registry registry,
Instance instance,
TestProduct product,
TestPool pool
) =
ProductService ps = ProductService(address(registry));
uint256 bundleNftId = 99;
uint256 sumInsuredAmount = 1000*10**6;
uint256 premiumAmount = 110*10**6;
uint256 lifetime =365*24*3600;
uint256 policyNftId = ps.createApplicationForBundle(customer, bundleNftId, sumInsuredAmount, premiumAmount, lifetime);
# foundry.toml
# expected format(example below): libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"]
libraries = ["src/libraries/MyLibrary.sol:MyLibrary:0x..."]
Solidity code is to be written according to the Solidity Style Guide.
Documentation of the code should be written inline using NatSpec.
Additionally, we use the following naming conventions:
- Function arguments and return types: If using custom data types, make the name include the type by appending the Type to the argument name, e.g.
function getInfo(NftId bundleNftId)
instead offunction getInfo(NftId bundleId)
. Background: Custom data types are lost when using the ABI or Typescript binding classes (e.g. instead ofNftID
is used), so the type needs to be included in the name to make it clear what the argument is without having to look at the documentation or checking the solidity source code. - When naming a field or an attribute
and the context is not clear, call itnftId
instead so its clear what type if id it is as there will be multiple ids for different kind of objects. Example: if you the function has a bundle nft id and a policy nft id as arguments, call thembundleNftId
instead ofid
. In case of doubt, be a bit more verbose for the sake of clarity. - When naming things, remember that the code will likely be used in Javascript/Typescript as well, so avoid names that are reserved in Javascript/Typescript. A list of reserved words in Javascript can be found here and a list of reserved words in Typescript can be found here.
We use prettier and the solidity plugin to format the code automatically.
The plugin is configured to use the style guide mentioned above.
To execute format checks run npm run styleCheck
To execute formatting run npm run styleFix
We use solhint to lint the code.
To execute linting run npm run lint
python3 is already installed
npm install -g ganache
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install eth-brownie
brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@4.9.3
brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@5.0.0
brownie compile --all
brownie console
registry_owner = accounts[0]
instance_owner = accounts[1]
product_owner = accounts[2]
# deploy libs and helper contracts
nft_id_lib = NftIdLib.deploy({'from': registry_owner})
ufixed_math_lib = UFixedMathLib.deploy({'from': registry_owner})
test_fee = TestFee.deploy({'from': registry_owner})
# deploy registry and a token
registry = Registry.deploy({'from': registry_owner})
nft = ChainNft.deploy(registry, {'from': registry_owner})
registry.initialize(nft, {'from': registry_owner})
token = TestUsdc.deploy({'from': registry_owner})
# deploy services
component_owner_service = ComponentOwnerService.deploy(registry, {'from': registry_owner})
product_service = ProductService.deploy(registry, {'from': registry_owner})
# deploy an instance
instance = Instance.deploy(registry, component_owner_service, product_service, {'from': instance_owner})
# deploy product
pool = TestPool.deploy(registry, instance, token, {'from': product_owner})
policy_fee = test_fee.createFee(1, -1, 0)
product = TestProduct.deploy(registry, instance, token, pool, policy_fee, {'from': product_owner})
# grant roles
pool_owner_role = instance.getRoleForName("PoolOwner")
product_owner_role = instance.getRoleForName("ProductOwner")
instance.grantRole(pool_owner_role, product_owner, {'from': instance_owner})
instance.grantRole(product_owner_role, product_owner, {'from': instance_owner})
# register objects
component_owner_service.register(pool, {'from': product_owner})
component_owner_service.register(product, {'from': product_owner})
instance_id = instance.getNftId()
pool_id = pool.getNftId()
product_id = product.getNftId()
sizes before | Instance | 23.178 | 1.398 | | TestInstanceBase | 3.305 | 21.271 | | TestInstanceModuleAccess | 7.86 | 16.716 | | TestInstanceModuleBundle | 7.586 | 16.99 | | TestInstanceModuleCompensation | 3.305 | 21.271 | | TestInstanceModuleComponent | 5.123 | 19.453 | | TestInstanceModulePolicy | 6.937 | 17.639 | | TestInstanceModulePool | 4.809 | 19.767 | | TestInstanceModuleRisk | 3.305 | 21.271 | | TestInstanceModuleTreasury | 7.563 | 17.013 |
sizes after | Instance | 22.727 | 1.849 | | TestInstanceBase | 3.485 | 21.091 | | TestInstanceModuleAccess | 8.036 | 16.54 | | TestInstanceModuleBundle | 8.354 | 16.222 | | TestInstanceModuleCompensation | 3.485 | 21.091 | | TestInstanceModuleComponent | 5.482 | 19.094 | | TestInstanceModulePolicy | 7.502 | 17.074 | | TestInstanceModulePool | 5.522 | 19.054 | | TestInstanceModuleRisk | 4.635 | 19.941 | | TestInstanceModuleTreasury | 8.945 | 15.631 |