Proof-of-concept inspired by URH, built with TypeScript Node, Electron and React.
💅 Current status is early stage / work in progress, mostly to test features.
- IQ complex data translation into reals
- OOK signal demodulation (low-pass filter)
- Minimum pulse width detection
- Data decoding
- Hex and binary data display
- Efficient infinite radio data / filtered data zoom
Currently limited to 100MiB
), signed 8 bits IQ integers.complex16u
(unsigned 8 bits IQ signal integers).complex32s
(HackRF recorded) IQ signed 8 bits integers.complex32u
(unsigned 16 bits IQ signal integers)
git clone
cd ERH
npm i
npm start
- Helpful details about RF file formats
- Based on electron-react-boilerplate