An open source project called J.A.R.V.IEEE.S in development of a personal desktop assistence by the IEEE RAS CIMATEC Student Branch for personal use of IEEE members or voluntiers
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone
- Install all packages:
$ pip install -r req.txt
note: if you get the error message "module not found" when running the code, please install this one manually
note: go to JarvIEEEs/
and change the variable "trainpath" for the complete adress of the folder lib
at your computer. Do the same to the JarvIEEEs/Geral/Comandos/
- Download the postgresql (the version 12.6 is recommended)
- When asked about the additional select all except the "startbuild" option
- When asked to create a password choose "postgres" without quotation marks
- Run the "pgAdmin 4"
- Double left click at "Servers", after PostgreSQL12 and after Databases
- Right click on Databases, select Create --> DataBase. So set the database name as "LocalDataBase" without quotation marks. Click at save
- Right click at the LocalDataBase just created and choose "restore". Set the format as "custom or tar" and import the "Banco_Jarvies" located at
. If you the files don't appear click at the bottom right corner and change the file type from 'backup' to 'all files' - Click at restore. It's likely you get a error message but if everything is like the image bellow and you see the same tables the process was successful
- Geral/Comandos: the main file that should be run
- Geral/DataBase: the database itself and the functions used to establish the connection with the database
- lib: files used to train the Chatterbot. On the root are the files cloned from: and on the custom folder are added train files
- resources: general support files for the repository
$ cd PATH/lib/portuguese/custom
and there add new .yml files for more information acess
Note that this version was developed to the portuguese language. So change the portuguese folder for a new folder with files from the desired language
- run the file
$ cd "PATh/JarvIEEEs"
$ Pyinstaller --path="PATH\JarvIEEEs\Geral" --onefile
where 'PATH' is the location of the 'JarvIEEEs' directory.