World Of Tanks replay and battle result parsing/decoding library written in Python 3.
List of utilities:
- wotrepparser - Sort replays into categories.
- findplayer - Search for particular person/clan in replays/battle results.
- battle_results.bat - Backup battle results every time you start the game.
This program uses wotdecoder to make sense out of your replay files and sort them into five categories:
- incomplete - replays from matches you quit before they ended.
- result - incomplete replays, but include result of the match.
- complete - complete replays.
- clanwar - replays containing complete clanwar match.
- error - cant recognize as a valid replay.
- b_r - optional, stores dumped battle_result pickle/json
Additionally it will rename your replays so they are more palatable.
WoT retroactively updates replay file if you click Details button after the battle. This makes it possible to still have results saved in a replay of a game you quit. This is important if you want to analyze detailed battle result data. Files suitable for datamining are in complete, result and clanwar categories. (WoT is buggy and sometimes saves same battle_result pickle into more than one replay file.)
wotrepparser file_or_directory -o output_directory -v -r -n -b -f -c0
-o Specify output directory. Default is current.
-v Verbose, display every file processed.
-r Recursive scan of all subdirectories.
-n Dont rename files.
-b Dump raw battle_results pickle to output_directory\b_r\number.pickle
-b1 Decode battle_results pickle, save output_directory\b_r\number.json
-b2 Same as above, but human readable json.
-f Force overwrite. Default is ask.
-c Copy instead of moving.
-c0 Dry run, dont copy, dont move.
wotrepparser g:\World_of_Tanks\replays -o d:\replays -v -r
When executed creates 5 subdirectories (incomplete, result, complete, clanwar, error) in d:\replays. Next it scans g:\World_of_Tanks\replays recursively for .wotreplay files, renames and moves them accordingly.
ST31000523AS HDD and 3GHz cpu gives ~25 replays per second
Processed 4737 files. 0 errors.
Took 191699.039ms
Fast SSD and 3GHz cpu gives ~300 replays per second
Processed 4737 files. 0 errors.
Took 16117.286ms
Verbose parameter slows it dramatically under windows console.
###Renaming convention
Clanwar replay file
Where SERB is a tag of a clan starting on first flag, PCP starting on the second flag. Win obviously means owner of a replay file won.
Here PCP started on first flag, owner of replay file lost the match.
Replays with round result available are renamed to include that result
Underscores are used to align text so it is readable on fixed width console (basically a DIR in command prompt). Format can be easily edited further in
This program scans replay(.wotreplay) or battle_result(.dat) files for players using nickname and/or clantag. (Currently it stops after finding first match per replay.)
findplayer nickname [clantag] -c -v0..3 -e -o -r -p -b -i input_file_or_directory
Try `*` for string wildcard, `?` for character wildcard.
-c Case sensitive search.
-v0 Verbose 0 = silent running, only give summary.
-v1 + list replay name, default.
-v2 + show match result, frag count.
-v3 + detailed stats.
-v4 + stats summary.
-e Show errors.
-o Include replay owner stats.
-r Turn off recursive subdirectory scan.
-p Show full patch.
-b Scan battle_results(.dat) instead of wotreplays.
-i Specify input directory. Default is current.
`*z_?l [1?3]` will match Rasz_pl[123]
`[*]` will match any person in any clan.
`[]` will only match people without clan.
`??` will list all people with 2 letter nicknames.
`*` will match everyone.
###Example stat summary output:
G:\World_of_Tanks\replays>python kawagreen -o -v4
Looking for nickname: kawagreen clantag: [*]
Source: G:\World_of_Tanks\replays
Verbose: 4 Recursive: True Errors: hide
KawaGreen[SAO] | Rasz_pl[SAO]
--- Win on South Coast (extermination)
Died in T54E1 | Died in AMX 50 120
Kills = 3 | Kills = 4
Damage = 3057 | Damage = 3536
Spotted= 315 | Spotted= 319
Summary (average):
Kills = 1.36 | Kills = 1.36
Damage = 1721.92 | Damage = 1990.21
Spotted= 598.28 | Spotted= 468.61
Found 481 matches. 0 errors.
Processing 4804 files took 115400.359ms
Use it to start your game . It will automagically backup your battle_results. WOT keeps them only for one session, every time you start the game it deletes old ones. This bat file will recursively look into
and copy all .dat files it can find to .\replays\battle_results\
Umm, copy into your game directory and start the game with it.
Tested with replays from 7.1 up to 8.6 WoT.
Python 3
Based on