This is a bug repro repo to demonstrate a bug when trying to combine jose (JWT utility) in a test environment with JSDOM.
This repo contains a piece of code to generate a signed JWT token using jose.
This repo are setup to work by default.
First, install the project dependencies:
npm i
Now, you can run the following npm script:
npm run print
This will print the generated JWT Token.
Now, run the unit test with Vitest (no JSDOM yet):
npm run test
The single test will pass.
Now, go to vitest.config.js
and enable the environment:
export default defineConfig({
test: {
// Uncomment the following to see the bug
- // environment: "jsdom",
+ environment: "jsdom",
Now, if you run the test script again (npm run test
), you'll see it's broken:
FAIL src/generate-jwt.test.js > generateJWT > should generate a JWT token
TypeError: payload must be an instance of Uint8Array
❯ new FlattenedSign node_modules/jose/dist/node/esm/jws/flattened/sign.js:14:19
❯ new CompactSign node_modules/jose/dist/node/esm/jws/compact/sign.js:5:27
❯ SignJWT.sign node_modules/jose/dist/node/esm/jwt/sign.js:12:21
❯ Module.generateJWT src/generate-jwt.js:20:6
18| .setProtectedHeader({ alg: "RS256" })
19| .setExpirationTime("5m") // 5 minutes from now
20| .sign(privateKey);
| ^
22| return jwt;
❯ src/generate-jwt.test.js:13:17