Expose S3 bucket as SFTP using terraform Integration tests using Kitchen terraform
- Pre-req. Install bundler:
brew update
brew install ruby
gem install bundler
- Install ruby dependencies:
bundle install
- Pre-req. Install terraform:
brew install terraform
- Check terraform fmt:
terraform fmt -check
copy .env.example
as .env
and edit the file populating it with the desired values
cp .env.example .env
ssh-keygen -f poc_sftp_ssh -t rsa
ssh-add -K poc_sftp_ssh
pbcopy < poc_sftp_ssh.pub
- Now the public key will be already in the clipboard, paste in as the value for
env var
source .env
Make sure in every backend.tf
and provider.tf
uncomment the lines:
shared_credentials_file = "~/.aws/credentials"
profile = "your_aws_profile_here"
Unless you export your AWS credentials as environment variables
- How to create a S3 remote state bucket (once per remote state)
- Run kitchen terraform (converge + verify + destroy):
bundle exec dotenv kitchen test -d always
- Kitchen. Deploy only:
bundle exec dotenv kitchen converge
- Kitchen. Test only:
bundle exec dotenv kitchen verify
- Kitchen. Destroy only:
bundle exec dotenv kitchen destroy
Once terraform is finished it will output the sftp endpoint. To manually test it works (takes around 15-20 min after it finishes), deposit a file in the bucket and:
sftp -i poc_sftp_ssh {username}@{endpoint_here}
sftp> cd {bucket_name}
sftp> ls
sftp> get {filename}