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Releases: ravachol/kew


18 Jan 16:38
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This release aims to fix a lot of little things and inconsistencies with the UI. For instance the last row is printed in the same place in all views.

kew should work fine on Ghostty now. There was a problem with the buffer not clearing when refreshing the screen which led to covers being drawn on top of each other.

A couple of problems with scrolling and opening directories in the library were fixed.

Full list of changes:

  • Fixed buffer not clearing cover images on ghostty when refreshing.

  • Last row is shown in the same place across all views.

  • The library text no longer shifts one char to the left sometimes when starting songs.

  • Fixed minor bug related to scrolling in library.

  • Fixed bug related to covers in ascii, on narrow terminal sizes it wouldn't print correctly. Found by @Hostuu.

  • Minor UI improvements, style adjustments and cleaning up.

  • Added play and stop icon, and replaced some nerdfont characters with unicode equivalents.

  • Disabled desktop notifications on macOS. The macOS desktop notifications didn't really gel well with the app, and the method used was unsafe in the long run. A better way to do it is by using objective-c, which I want to avoid using.

kew appImage (musl systems) v3.0.3

18 Jan 21:15
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This release is a binary appImage that should work on at least some x86_64 systems that use musl. It was created on Alpine Linux.

You need to run: chmod +x kew.

The normal release can be found here:


13 Dec 07:45
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  • You can now enqueue and play all your music (shuffled) in library view, by pressing MUSIC LIBRARY at the top.

  • Removed dependency on Libnotify because its' blocking in nature, and some users were experiencing freezes. Instead dbus is used directly if available and used with timeouts. Reported by @sina-salahshour.

  • Fixed bug introduced in 3.0.1 where songs whose titles start with a number would be sorted wrong.

  • Fixed music library folders containing spaces weren't being accepted. Found by @PoutineSyropErable.

  • Fixed bug where after finishing playing a playlist and then choosing a song in it, the next song would play twice.

  • Fixed kew all not being randomized properly. Found by @j-lakeman.

  • Fixed useConfigColors setting not being remembered. Found by @j-lakeman.

  • Added, and files.

  • Dependencies Removed: Libnotify.


22 Nov 05:28
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  • Uses safer string functions.

  • Fixed bug where scrolling in the library would overshoot its place when it was scrolling through directories with lots of files.

  • Fixed mpris/dbus bug where some widgets weren't able to pause/play.

  • Fixed crash when playing very short samples in sequence. Found by @hampa.

  • Fixed order of songs in library was wrong in some cases. Found by @vincentcomfy.

  • Fixed bug related to switching songs while paused.

  • Fixed bug with being unable to rewind tracks to the start. Found by @INIROBO.

  • Seek while paused is now disabled. Problems found by @INIROBO.


24 Oct 03:45
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This release comes with bigger changes than usual. If you have installed kew manually, you need to now install taglib, ogglib and, if you want, faad2 (for aac/m4a support) for this version (see the readme for instructions for your OS).

  • kew now works on macOS. The default terminal doesn't support colors and sixels fully, so installing a more modern terminal like kitty or wezterm is recommended.

  • Removed dependencies: FFmpeg, FreeImage.

  • Added Dependencies: Faad2, TagLib, Libogg.

  • These changes make kew lighter weight.

  • Faad2 (which provides AAC decoding) is optional. By default, the build system will automatically detect if faad2 is available and include it if found.

  • More optimized and faster binary. Thank you @zamazan4ik for ideas.

  • Better support of Unicode strings.

  • Case-insensitive search for unicode strings. Thank you @valesnikov.

  • Fixed makefile and other things for building on all arches in Debian. Thank you so much @werdahias.

  • More efficient handling of input.

  • Added support for .m3u8 files. Thank you @mendhak for the suggestion.

  • Fixed bug where switching songs quickly, the cover in the desktop notification would remain the same.

  • Fixed issue with searching for nothing being broken. Thank you @markmark1!

Thank you so much @xplshn, @Vafone and @markmark1 for help with testing.


15 Oct 20:59
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v3.0.0-rc1 Pre-release


kew v3.0.0 Release Candidate 1.

This release comes with bigger changes than usual. If you have installed kew manually, you need to now install taglib, ogglib and, if you want, faad2 (for aac/m4a support) for this version (see the readme on the develop branch for instructions for your OS).

  • kew now works on macOS! The default terminal doesn't support colors and sixels fully, so installing a more modern terminal like kitty or wezterm is recommended.

  • Removed dependencies: FFmpeg, FreeImage

  • Added Dependencies: Faad2, TagLib and Libogg.

  • These changes make kew lighter weight and makes it faster to install on macOS through brew.

  • Faad2 (which provides AAC decoding) is optional. By default, the build system will automatically detect if faad2 is available and include it if found. Disable with make USE_FAAD=0.

  • More optimized and faster binary. Thank you @zamazan4ik for ideas.

  • Better support of Unicode strings.

  • Fixed makefile and other things for building on all arches in Debian. Thank you so much @werdahias.

  • More efficient handling of input.

  • Added support for .m3u8 files. Thank you @mendhak for the suggestion.

  • Fixed bug where when switching songs quickly, the cover in the desktop notification would remain the same.

Thank you so much @xplshn, @Vafone and @markmark1 for help with testing.

Big thanks to everyone who helps report bugs!


22 Sep 13:54
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  • Fixes issue with building when libnotify is not installed.
  • Fixes build issue on FreeBSD.


21 Sep 16:38
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New in this version:

  • Much nicer way to set the music library path on first use.

  • Checks at startup if the music library's modified time has changed when using cached library. If it has, update the library. Thanks @yurivict for the suggestion.

  • Improved search: kew now also shows the album name (directory name) of search results, for clarity.

  • You can now use TAB to cycle through the different views.

  • There's now a standalone executable AppImage for musl x86_64 systems. Thank you to @xplshn and @Samueru-sama for help with this.

Bugfixes and other:

  • Added missing include file. Thank you @yurivict.

  • Don't repeat the song notification when enqueuing songs. A small but annoying bug that slipped into the last release.

  • Fixed issue where kew sometimes couldn't find the cover image in the folder.

  • Better handling of songs that cannot be initialized.

  • Removed support for .mp4 files so as to not add a bunch of video folders to the music library. Thanks @yurivict for the suggestion.

  • Made the makefile compatible with Void Linux. Thank you @itsdeadguy.

  • Cursor was not reappearing in some cases on FreeBSD after program exited. Thank you @yurivict.

  • Fixed slow loading UI on some machines, because of blocking desktop notification. Thanks @vdawg-git for reporting this.

Thank you to @vdawg-git for helping me test and debug!

Thank you also to @ZhongRuoyu!


20 Sep 11:14
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New in this version:

  • Much nicer way to set the music library path on first use.

  • Checks at startup if the music library's modified time has changed when using cached library. If it has, update the library. Thanks @yurivict for the suggestion.

  • Improved search: kew now also shows the album name (directory name) of search results, for clarity.

  • You can now use TAB to cycle through the different views.

  • There's now a standalone executable AppImage for musl x86_64 systems. Thank you to @xplshn and @Samueru-sama for help with this. There probably wont be one for glibc systems for technical reasons.

Bugfixes and other:

  • Don't repeat the song notification when enqueuing songs. A small but annoying bug that slipped into the last release.

  • Fixed issue where kew sometimes couldn't find the cover image in the folder.

  • Better handling of songs that cannot be initialized.

  • Removed support for .mp4 files so as to not add a bunch of video folders to the music library. Thanks @yurivict for the suggestion.

  • Made the makefile compatible with Void Linux. Thank you @itsdeadguy.

  • Cursor was not reappearing in some cases on FreeBSD after program exited. Thank you @yurivict.

Thank you to @vdawg-git for helping me test and debug!


03 Sep 22:04
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  • You can now remove the currently playing song from the playlist. Thank you @yurivict for the suggestion. You can then press space bar to play the next song in the list.

  • Scrolling now stops immediately after the key is released.

  • Better reset of the terminal at program exit.

  • MPRIS widgets are now updated when switching songs while paused.

  • When pressing update library ("u"), it now remembers which files are enqueued.

  • No more ugly scroll back buffer in the terminal.

Btw, there is a bug in the KDE Media Player Widget which locks up plasmashell when certain songs play (in any music player). If you are having that problem, I suggest not using that widget until you have plasmashell version 6.20 or later. Bug description: