Tensorflow implementation of VCGAN using momenta parameterization of diffeomorphic registration as an intermediary for prosody (F0 and Energy) manipulation.
- Python 3.7 (or higher)
- tensorflow 1.14
- librosa
- pyworld
The data directory is organised as:
├── neutral-angry
│ ├── train
| ├── neutral (wav files)
| ├── angry (wav files)
| ├── valid
| ├── neutral (wav files)
| ├── angry (wav files)
| ├── test
| ├── neutral (wav files)
| ├── angry (wav files)
├── neutral-happy
│ ├── ...
├── neutral-sad
│ ├── ...
Extract features (mcep, f0) from each speech file. The features are stored in pair-wise manner in .mat format (for matlab compatibility).
python3 generate_features.py --source_dir <source (neutral) emotion wav files> --target_dir <target emotion wav files> --save_dir <directory to save extracted features> --fraction <train/valid/test>
The above code will create a new file <fraction.mat> at the save_dir location. The feature extraction currently uses DTW-alignment between source and target emotional audio files but it is not a strict requirement. The other parameters that can be played with are the n_mfc, n_frames, window_len (hard-coded) and window_stride (hard-coded) in the generate_features.py file.
We now have the complete data pair (source and target emotion) required for training the model.
We use fully convolutional neural network for the sampling block of the generator and the discriminator. The diffeomorphic registration is carried out by an RNN-block having fixed/non-learnable parameters. The discriminator in VCGAN is a joint density discriminator which establishes a strong dependency between the two generators in cycle-GAN. It has the additional benefit of matching generated samples in a cyclic distribution sense. The momenta based registration is a strong regularizer for the GAN to work in a stable manner and capture the dynamic range of F0/pitch values across speaker variations.
python3 main.py --emo_pair <neu-ang/neu-hap/neu-sad> --train_dir <directory containing training train.mat file for a specific emotion pair> --model_dir <directory to save trained model> --model_name <name of the model to be saved as checkpoints>
Hyperparameters like learning rate, minibatch-size, #epochs, etc can be modified in the main.py file. To modify the architecture of neural networks, check out the nn_models.py file. It contains the description of neural nets for generator and discriminator. Note: This model is mainly for the F0/pitch conversion. We separately train an mfcc conversion model using this technique.
Note: There will be a separate model for every pair of emotion that the corpus contains.
To convert a set of audio files (.wav) from one emotion to another, you need to load the appropriate emotion-pair model and provide path to the data directory.
python3 convert_separate.py --emo_pair <neu-ang/neu-hap/neu-sad> --model_f0_path <complete path to .ckpt file of F0 model> --model_mcep_path <complete path to .ckpt file of MCEP model> --mcep_nmz_path <MCEP model uses cohort statistics for normalization before conversion> --data_dir <directory containing .wav files for conversion> --output_dir <directory for saving the converted files>
Download the pre-trained model here