The miniature, embeddable R7RS Scheme implementation in Rust
Stak Scheme aims to be:
- An embeddable Scheme interpreter for Rust with very small memory footprint and reasonable performance
- The minimal implementation of the R7RS-small standard
- A subset of Chibi Scheme, Gauche, and Guile
- A portable scripting environment that supports even no-
and no-alloc
For more information and usage, visit the full documentation.
To install the Scheme interpreter as a command, run:
cargo install stak
To install Stak Scheme as a library in your Rust project, run:
cargo add stak
cargo add --build stak-build
cargo install stak-compile
For full examples, see the examples
First, prepare a Scheme script named src/fight.scm
; Import a base library and the library named `(stak rust)` for Rust integration.
(import (scheme base) (stak rust))
; Make two people with a number of pies they have and their dodge rates.
(define me (make-person 4 0.2))
(define friend (make-person 2 0.6))
; The fight begins. Let's throw pies to each other!
(do ()
(person-wasted me)
(person-wasted friend)
(zero? (person-pies me))
(zero? (person-pies friend)))))
(person-throw-pie me friend)
(person-throw-pie friend me))
; Output the winner.
((person-wasted friend)
"You won!")
((person-wasted me)
"You lost...")
Then, add a build script at
to build the Scheme source file
into bytecodes.
use stak_build::{build_r7rs, BuildError};
fn main() -> Result<(), BuildError> {
Finally, you can embed and run the Scheme script in a Rust program.
use any_fn::{r#fn, Ref};
use core::error::Error;
use rand::random;
use stak::{
engine::{Engine, EngineError},
const HEAP_SIZE: usize = 1 << 16;
/// A person who holds pies to throw.
struct Person {
pies: usize,
dodge: f64,
wasted: bool,
impl Person {
/// Creates a person.
pub fn new(pies: usize, dodge: f64) -> Self {
Self {
wasted: false,
/// Returns a number of pies the person has.
pub fn pies(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if a person is wasted.
pub fn wasted(&self) -> bool {
/// Throws a pie to another person.
pub fn throw_pie(&mut self, other: &mut Person) {
if self.pies == 0 || self.wasted {
self.pies -= 1;
if random::<f64>() > {
other.wasted = true;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Include and run the Scheme module.
fn run_scheme(module: &UniversalModule) -> Result<(), EngineError> {
// Initialize a heap memory for a Scheme scripting engine.
let mut heap = [Default::default(); HEAP_SIZE];
// Define Rust functions to pass to the engine.
let mut functions = [
("make-person", r#fn(Person::new)),
("person-pies", r#fn::<(Ref<_>,), _>(Person::pies)),
("person-wasted", r#fn::<(Ref<_>,), _>(Person::wasted)),
("person-throw-pie", r#fn(Person::throw_pie)),
// Initialize the engine.
let mut engine = Engine::new(&mut heap, &mut functions)?;
// Finally, run the module!
- This project is based on Ribbit Scheme, the small and portable R4RS implementation.
- Scheme programming language
- The R7RS-small standard