Vroom's goals are to be an easy to use web framework for building scalable HTTP oriented applications.
* Do NOT mess with Node.js's ability to stream data.
* Work with the async nature of Node.js, not against.
* Have a simple API (a little magic is fine!)
* Have a simple core.
While I feel that these goals are currently met to certain degrees, I believe there is still a bunch of work to do to fully meet each goal.
Routing is provided by the individual resource type. Each resource type is built upon the Application mounting system built into Vroom. A default PathResource is included and provides a very flexible routing system based on Sinatra + Merb style routing.
For a demo app see: test/app/
Here is a totally simple example app
var Vroom = require("./lib/vroom");
var PathResource = require("./lib/vroom/path_resource");
var resource = new PathResource(function (r) {
r.get('/', function () {
return "Hello World";
r.get('/person(/:name)', function (name) {
return "Hello: " + (name || "unknown");
r.get('/stream', function () {
this.status = 200;
this.write("Hello ");
var app = new Vroom.Application();
app.config.use(function (c) {
c['logLevel'] = 'DEBUG';
app.mount('root', '/', resource);
Since the config/mounting/booting/etc is separate from the resources, each piece can be in its own file as you see fit. See the test/app for a more detailed example with templates and such.
Another thing to see is that Vroom resources are simply functions. This application will work as you would expect:
var Vroom = require("./lib/vroom");
var app = new Vroom.Application();
app.mount('stream', '/stream', function () {
this.status = 200;
this.write("Hello ");
app.mount('root', '/', function () {
return "Hello World";
To boot that:
$ node that-file.js
Note that you need Node.js installed prior to running the application.