Code Server Docker image with cuda development env on the browser. By default, it contains:
- Ubunttu 20.04
- CUDA 11.3.0
- Code Server 4.7.0
Modfied from works-on-my-machine/pytorch-code-server.
- CUDA device with compute capability 3.5 or higher
- NVIDIA Docker Toolkit
cd docker-cuda-codeserver
You can change the version of base OS, CUDA, and Code Server in the
- Go to Nvidia's official channel on DockerHub for available verision number of base OS and CUDA.
- Go to github release page for available version number of Code Server.
See the
template. You need specify correct volume mapping for /home/coder
in container (--volume="[HOST-MAPPING-PATH]:/home/coder/"
). In this way, files under /home/coder
are persistent and can be accessed on the host.
Typically, the directory looks like this:
|-- .bash_history
|-- .bashrc
|-- .config
| `-- code-server
| `-- config.yaml # NOTE: you can access/specifiy Code Server password in this file
`-- projects
After starting container, the code server serves on http://[you-host-ip]:8443
or https://[you-host-ip]:8443
. If you did not specify the password in advance, access the password on host via
cat [HOST-MAPPING-PATH]/.config/code-server/config.yaml
$ docker exec -it <your_container_name> /bin/bash
$ cat ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
You can install other packages such as miniconda and pytorch just like on a normal machine. As mentioned above, all modifications under /home/coder
directory are persistent, so your environment won't lost on restart of Code Server.
By default, the coder server in the docker image will use self-signed SSL certificate. They are stored at /home/coder/.local/share/code-server/localhost.[crt, key]
For security concern, you may want to use your own SSL certificate derived from CA such as Let's Encrypt.
The simplest way to do this is overriding the two files (/home/coder/.local/share/code-server/localhost.[crt, key]
) with the real certificate pairs you want.
- Solve the "Workspace does not exisit" warning on first login
- Use docker compose