A very very basic EDN parser for Lua.
Whipped this up because I needed an EDN parser, and there didn't seem to be any in the Lua ecosystem. Sharing just in case anyone else is desperate.
It's a very dumb, low-effort implementation. Didn't want to dedicate much time to this side-quest. But happy to accept PRs for improvements. Not sure I'll be adding much myself, unless I get bored or run into a bug myself.
I got this just to the point that it's good enough for what I need right now; so you can expect bugs if traversing paths unknown. Be ready to contribute fixes if you use this.
Drop the edn.lua
file into your project.
edn = require 'edn'
edn.decode '{:foo 1 :bar 2 :baz "meh"}' --> {foo = 1, bar = 2, baz = "meh"}
-- options can be passed to help it parse things
-- that aren't native to lua; e.g symbols, lists, etc.
'[foo :bar () {}]',
symbol = function (s) return 'sym:' .. s end,
keyword = function (s) return ':' .. s end,
list = function(t) return { type = 'list', children = t } end,
map = function(t) return t end,
vector = function(t) return t end
-- tag readers can be given to handle things
-- like `#my-tag "some value"`, there aren't
-- any built-in tag readers, even though the
-- EDN spec defines some
'#str ["Hello" ", " "World" "!"]',
tags = {
str = function (t) return table.concat(t) end
) --> "Hello, World!"
Not supported... yet.