This is a project that aims to use files produced by Israeli credit card companies, organizes them in a neat table and provide a basic dashboard (see screenshot below).
Create a new folder on Google Drive where you will store the exported reports. Call it however you like. Enter the folder and make sure to copy the FOLDER_ID from the URL (notice where it is in the screenshot below)
Make your own copy of the template sheet file (Access is manually provided so it might take a few hours to get access)
Inside the newly-copied file you should find a new menu next to "Extensions" called "Credit card analysis"
Click "Detect analysis file" and make sure you get a message it was completed successfully
Click "Configure report folder" and paste the FOLDER_ID from step 1 into the input field and click OK.
That's it!
At any point a Google warning might show up saying you are running an unsafe script.
If you want to use this system you should click proceed.
Concerned? see security clause below.
- Place an exported report inside the folder created on stage 1 of the installation.
- Inside the sheet file, select "Credit Card Analysis->Check For New Files"
- Wait for the "DB" sheet to fill up with the recent data
- Under "Categories" sheet, all the businesses that are unclassified will appear under the "ללא סיווג" column. Copy each business to the relevant category. Once you do - the business name should disappear from the "ללא סיווג" column and the chosen categoory will appear near every relevant transaction in the "DB " sheet.
- The entire codebase is copied with the template file. This means that every analysis is processed in the premise of your google account.
- No data is sent out, neither to complement processing nor for analytics purposes (the latter might change in the future but nothing for now)