This Project is ARC enabled and based on OpenSSL
How to build a static openssl library for iOS and Mac OS
More Informations about Apple Push Service
NXAPNServiceProvider *connection = [[NXAPNServiceProvider alloc] initWithCertificate: @"/path/to/apns_cert.pem"
keyPEMFilePath: @"/path/to/apns_key.pem"
password: @"my apns passwd"
sandbox: YES];
[apns pushTextMessage: @"Test Text Message"
deviceToken: @"4a8e6c8f 4a8e6c8f ..."
expire: -1 // Never expire
result: ^(BOOL successfully, int error) {
NSLog(@"Push Message send");
//Or use NXAPNotification
NXAPNNotification *notification = [NXAPNNotification new];
//Default Text Message
[notification setAlertMessage: @"I have a message for you"];
//Or use
[notification setAlertMessageWithBody: @"I have a message for you body"
actionLocKey: @"The Slider Value"
locKey: @"LocalizableKey"
locKeyArguments: @"my argument"
launchImage: @"image_.png"];
//Optional call
[notification setBadgeCount: 1];
[notification setSoundFile: @"beep.wav"];
[notification setAcme1:@"bar"];
[notification setAcme2: 42];
[apns pushNotification: notification
deviceToken: @"4a8e6c8f 4a8e6c8f ..."
expire: 1440 // 1440 minutes, expire in one day
result: ^(BOOL successfully, int error) {
NSLog(@"Push Message send");
[connection checkServiceFeedback: ^(NSTimeInterval timeIntervalSince1970, NSString *deviceToken) {
NSLog(@"Drop Token: %@", deviceToken);
[connection close: ^{
NSLog(@"Provider closed with no pending messages.");