Understanding our genes e.g., what they do, which processes they are part of, and where the proteins they code for are found, is of utmost importance for many kinds of research, including bioinformatics. To facilitate this, the scientific community has developed Gene Ontology, or just GO, which is an extensive database of
- various properties a gene can have, and
- information on how these properties relate to each other.
In this test we will work with some Python code that reads in the Gene Ontology database in a suitable data structure and processes the data in certain ways. This code could be one of the first steps in creating a web based browser for Gene Ontology and related data resources.
For this test you do not need to understand the many different properties the Gene Ontology describes, however you will need to have a good understanding of Python, be able to think logically, and know a few things about the Gene Ontology database which are described in the following.
The properties that a gene can have are called GO categories. In the
data we will be working with, there are 47,385 different GO
categories. Each GO category has an id
, e.g. GO:0008150
, a more
descriptive name
, e.g. biological_process
, and a few other
How the GO categories relate to each other is captured in relations
that are composed of relationships. There are a number of different
relations, and the most important of these is the is_a
relation. For
example, the GO category with id
equal to GO:0000003
and name
equal to reproduction
forms a relationship in the is_a
relation to
), i.e. reproduction
. There are a number of other types of
relations. Another example is part_of
, where one of the
relationships is GO:0098687
(chromosomal region
) is part_of
Mathematically speaking, a relationship is a pair of categories, and a relation is a set of relationships.
You can invert a relation, e.g. create the relation has_part
by saying that category a has_part
category b if
category b is part_of
category a (note that a and b swapped
Relations can also be combined, e.g. you can construct a new relation
from is_a
and part_of
by saying that two categories are
related with my_rel
if they are related with at least one of the
or part_of
Some relations are transitive, meaning that if a is related to
b, and b is related to c, then a is also related to c. The
relation is transitive, e.g. we have the relationship
(sexual reproduction
) is_a
), and as we also have the relationship GO:0000003
) is_a
), we know
that we have the relationship GO:0019953
(sexual reproduction
). However these indirect
relationships are not explicitly stated in the Gene Ontology database.
There are other aspects of the Gene Ontology database that we don't need to know about for now. If you are interested, you can look at http://geneontology.org for more information.
In addition to this document, three other files have been provided:
- The
file contains the Gene Ontology database in a fairly simple text-based format. This file was downloaded from http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go.obo and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Please see http://geneontology.org for more information. - The
file contains code for parsing thego.obo
file and storing the information using three classes defined in theGO.py
file. - The file
defines a number of functions that help testing the code inGO.py
Take a look at the provided code in GO.py
. There are three classes
defined. The GO
class can be used to make an object representing the
information in the go.obo
file. To do this, it uses two other
classes, GO_category
and GO_relation
Try to understand what the code does. It may help to add some comments or doc strings as you go.
Look briefly at the remaining tasks to determine which of them seem difficult or perhaps need more clarification. Then ask us by email at least one question that will help you to solve the tasks better and/or more easily. We will try to respond quickly, but please do not delay this task until just before the deadline.
The file test_GO.py
defines a number of functions that can be used
to test the code in GO.py
. You can run the tests using the Python
module pytest
One of the tests fails. If you look at the lines 206-217 in go.obo
that define the GO category GO:0000022
(mitotic spindle elongation
) you will see that GO:0000022
should be related to two
other GO categories, but for some reason no relationships are are
stored in our data structure. Fix this bug before proceeding to the
next tasks.
Add code that computes the inverse of a relation as described in the Introduction section.
Add code that creates a new relation by combining two others as described in the Introduction section.
As was described in the Introduction section, the
relation is transitive, but all the indirect relationships are
not explicitly mentioned in the go.obo
file. Implement code that
adds these indirect relationships.
All this code should run with Python 3 on an ordinary PC or server. CPU and memory requirements should be modest.
You should be aware that this test tries to mimick a common work situation where you have to take over some unfinished code written by a colleague and enhance it with more functionality. For the second task you should imagine you're communicating with that colleague and that you both have an interest in getting all the tasks solved correctly and easily. The imaginary colleague may already have looked into the tasks and may not only have thoughts about the challenges and pitfalls in the tasks, but also how these challenges can be addressed.
We are aware that some of the tasks are difficult and potential time consuming. However, if you ask the right questions in task 2, it may save you several hours of work.
You are welcome to search the Internet for help, but we will expect you to be able to explain the code that you come up with. Determining how well we can explain things to each other is a major part of the test.
Also, we will kindly ask you not to actively make other people aware of this test, as we would like to use it for future interviews.
Please provide us your code to solve the tasks the day before the interview so that we can familiarize ourselves with your solutions.