This pipeline itself needs no installation - NextFlow will automatically fetch it from GitHub rbpisupati/nf-haplocaller The pipeline is written mainly to run SNPmatch on GMI HPC mendel which is PBS system. Please change config file accordingly to run it on your system.
git clone
nextflow run nf-haplocaller/ --reads "*bam" --fasta "TAIR10_wholeGenome.fasta" --outdir output_folder
Add --notrim false
to include trimming of the reads. Also you can change the trimming parameters
- Rahul Pisupati (rahul.pisupati[at]
Cite the paper below if you use this pipeline. Pisupati, R. et al.. Verification of Arabidopsis stock collections using SNPmatch, a tool for genotyping high-plexed samples. Nature Scientific Data 4, 170184 (2017). doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.184