This is a list of all my presentations including supporting collateral.
They are hosted on Github pages
A lap around Entra External ID
A journey through Turing's paper on the halting problem
Ignite After Party October 2022
Integrating AAD B2C with Microsoft Identity libraries
Ignite After Party November 2021
Need to Know podcast Episode 275
The Microsoft Identity jigsaw - putting the pieces together!
Azure AD B2C, B2B and Libraries
Presentation to Ignite 2020 - Panel Discussion: Innovation in the new normal: role of developers and communities
Innovation in the new normal: role of developers and communities
The Microsoft Identity jigsaw - putting the pieces together
Azure Active Directory for non developers PBI
A lap around Azure AD B2C custom policies
AAD - Identity is the new control plane
Lovelace and Babbage and the dawn of computing
OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML 2.0
Integrating OpenID Connect & OAuth2 with Azure AD and ADFS
A lap around Azure Active Directory Business to Consumer (B2C)
101 ways to authenticate with Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory for non developers
A mobile journey Cross device integration with Azure and Office 365