This repository contains notebooks that walk through image capture and reflectance calibration of images captured with the OROCHI simulator.
The steps are:
- Reflectance Calibration Imaging
- Sample Imaging
- Geometric Calibration Target Imaging
- Dark Signal Correction
- Reflectance Calibation
- Image Co-alignment (TBC)
Images are exported in TIF format.
Python modules used are:
- ctypes
- pathlib
- matplotlib
- numpy
- opencv
- pandas
- tifffile
- tisgrabber
Control of the OROCHI simulator is via the Python C-Wrapper for the 'tisgrabber' DLL, a library for interfacing with GigE TIS (The Imaging Source) cameras. Note that this DLL is only compatible with Windows. A copy of tisgrabber package is included in this repository.
Setup of a conda environment and the installation of the neccesary packages is as follows.
First, ensure conda and conda develop are installed.
Open a terminal, and navigate to the repository directory, and execute the following commands.
To install an environment with the required packages:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once created, follow the prompt to activate the environment.
To add the path to tisgrabber to the conda environment:
conda-develop ./tisgrabber/samples
conda-develop ./src
This is all that is required to setup the control software.
We configure the cameras with camera_config.ipynb, and begin the multichannel_reflectance_imaging.pynb, and then once complete use the multichannel_reflectance_processing.pynb notebook to process these to reflectance.