#Scicoder 2014
This is my repo for Scicoder 2014.
##Day 1
I maybe I should learn vi
macfusion (FUSE) is kinda cool
You can totally put equations in markdown (may not show on all systems)
$$f(\omega) = sin(\omega - 1)^{w + 1}$$ (like github) -
No coffee no snacks = unhappy!
Use git! It has a learning curve, but it will make you life better.
- Operator Overloading, that seems fun and maybe dangerous.....
- Stop doing
from foo import *
- Singleton - make one unique object that is always the same object no matter how many times you call it. Very handy.......
- Oh yeah, I always forget that sets are a thing
##Day 2
- Objects are fun!
- Numpy!
- Neat trick, you can make numpy arrays immutable
array.flags.writeable = False
- Use numpy functions only on numpy arrays
- @property decorator can make methods into properties
- Use 'Lazy Loading' Only load data when you need it, not before.
- test you code, checkout pytest
- If you find a bug, add a test for that bug to your test script and then you will spot it if it comes back
- Astropy
- No coffee at all today
- Travis CI - Oh that is super cool. It auto runs tests for each build of your code.
- Astropy is very eager for contributions
##Day 3
- Oh sure, the morning I buy coffee they get coffee.
- Document your code
- Databases!
- Databases = linking tables with unique items
- SQLlite for small things, postgresql for bigger things - multiple users
- Oracle is crazy expansive
- You might want to create a database when you get > few thousand entries or when you need to match/cross-correlate among many datasets
- sqlalchemy is your friend
- Oooh, custom behavior in the model classes specification
- Use sessions, you want everything to work or fail. In database there is no undo
- More database fun
- and then some R
- matplotlib (no matplotlib)
- errr no wait, regular expressions instead [pdf](9 - Introduction to Regular Expressions.pdf )
- Scipy exists
- Logging way more handy then print statements!
- argparse is more advances command line argumments
- hmmm, found good color scheme