To provide the rust interface, lwext4 is abstracted in Rust language.
lwext4 is an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem library in C for microcontrollers
for x86_64, riscv64 and aarch64 on Rust OS is supported- File system mount and unmount operations
- Filetypes: regular, directories, softlinks
- Journal recovery & transactions
- memory as Block Cache
Wrap up the file operation struct Ext4File
It can provide the file system interfaces for the upper layer of Rust OS.
For the specific code, please refer to
operations include: file_read
, file_write
, file_seek
, file_open
, file_close
, file_rename
, lwext4_dir_entries
These operate the physical disk through the interface of disk driver.
impl KernelDevOp for Disk {
type DevType = Disk;
fn read() {}
fn write() {}
fn seek() {}
fn flush() {}
New a file system object, initialize and mount the ext4 file system.
let ext4fs =
Ext4BlockWrapper::<Disk>::new(disk).expect("failed to initialize EXT4 filesystem");
cargo build -vv --target x86_64-unknown-none | riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf | aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
OR If you need to compile the lwext4 in C separately,
please run make musl-generic -C c/lwext4 ARCH=<x86_64|riscv64|aarch64>
- Rust development environment
- C musl-based cross compile toolchains