This is an example of how to use RcppSMC in a package. I’m not sure whether this example is going to go into the paper yet and it’s not fully documented, but it should give you some idea of how to create another package that uses RcppSMC. It is fairly basic, using only a single function which is in C++ and no R functions.
At this stage, you will need to use the Github version of RcppSMC to be able to access RcppSMC.h. After we update CRAN (soon), this won't be required.
You can build the package using
devtools::document("RickerExample") # if you have Roxygen documentation
and look at the documentation with ?RickerExample
. There is some example code in the documentation, but you may wish to reduce N1
and N2
to 100 for a quick run.
If you wanted to use RcppSMC without creating your own package, you can do so using \code{sourceCpp}.
Simply add the line //[[Rcpp::depends(RcppSMC)]]
to the top of your C++ file, SMC_Ricker.cpp and replace library(RickerExample)
in the example code from the documentation with