####Arnis Arnis.NET is a no-brainer dependency tracker for .NET applications using elementary parsing algorithm.
At the moment, you can:
- track applications built on Visual Studio from 2001 to 2015.
- track target framework versions
- track referenced assemblies from nuget packages and GAC/Referenced Assesmblies folder.
- extensible to support new trackers and sinks.
By consistently monitoring the technology stack in our application portfolio, we can better plan for component upgrades, monitor 3rd party usage, consolidate component versions, or strategize decommisioning of projects and tools.
####How to use > arnis /ws="<your_solution_folder>"
Example (creates a csv file):
> arnis /ws="c:\github\arnis"
Example (creates a workspace on arnis.web):
Step 1: get your API key
> arnis /web /r /u=foobar@acme.com
> Done! Please keep your API key secret
Step 2: run arnis and publish results to your workspace
> arnis /ws="c:\github\arnis" /web /apk="ARNIS-XXXX"
Step 3: visit your workspace to see all dependencies
> start http://arnis.azurewebsites.net/foobar/arnis
Example (with skip file):
> arnis /ws="c:\github\arnis" /sf="c:\skip.txt"
where skip.txt contains
####How it works Arnis.NET scans the target workspace folder and perform analysis of solutions and projects. Then the tracker's results are consolidated to form a dependency tree .
- VisualStudioTracker Scans working folder for solution files and identify the version of Visual Studio used.
- ReferencedAssembliesTracker Scans working folder for project files and identify all DLL used in the project. System DLLs are also included.
Sinks saves the result into specific format or destination. Currently, only CSV file format is supported.
- CsvStackReportSink Save the report into CSV file
####Disclaimer Arnis.NET is still in alpha stage and I cannot guarantee 100% reliability. This is not a runtime dependency tracer. For more sophisticated runtime analysis, consider Dependency Walker, ILSPy, NDepend or Reflector tools.
- support tracking node-style projects dependencies