The rddl-client enables you to interact with the rddl-network.
The following interactions are currenlty supported:
The rddl-client installation requires pyhton above version 3.9 and an installation of peotry
This can for example be done via
pip install --upgrade poetry
take care that the poetry
binary is within your PATH
enviornment variable.
The rddl-client is a basic cmd-line tool to interact with the HW-03 hardware wallets of the rddl-network.
The rddl-client can be used from within the virtual environment after a successful installation.
The installation of the rddl-client can be easily conducted from the root directory of the repository via
poetry install
Please use poetry shell
to enter the virtual python environemnt. Now, you can use the rddl-client
as it comes.
An alternative option is to run execute the command via poetry from the virtual environment poetry run rddl-client <command> --help
The following variables define how the client connects to the 0x21e8 serivce and the smart meter by with tasmota firmware
- HW_03_SERVICE = (default="http://localhost:8000") - the 0x21e8 service connection
- TASMOTA_SERVICE (default="http://sonoff") - the link to the tasmota API of the smart meter
The environment varialbes can be set
- by using
- by defining them prior to the cli command on the shell
HW_03_SERVICE=http://localhost:8000 TASMOTA_SERVICE= rddl-client --help
- by defining them in the local environment file
The following commands are currently supported
- attest-data
- attest-energy-consumption
- attest-machine
- create-seed
- recover-seed
Please use rddl-client --help
and rddl-client <command> --help
to get clear instructions.
A cronjob description is within the file rddl-notarize-crontab
The following instruction will install the file and let you notarize the energyc-consumption every 15 minutes.
sudo cp rddl-notarize.crontab /etc/cron.d/rddl-notarize
sudo systemctl restart cron.service
The outcome of the script is written to syslog. Use the folloing command to inspect the activities on your node
sudo grep rddl-client /var/log/syslog