NoFlo components for processing RDF related content
To manually run these components in a UI, perform the following.
Register this project globally
noflo-rdf-components$ npm link
Checkout noflo-server
$ git clone
From the noflo-server project directory run:
noflo-server$ npm link noflo-rdf-components
Add the noflo-server to the local path:
noflo-server$ npm link
Then run the noflo-server, choosing whatever unused port you want instead of 8097:
$ noflo-server --port 8097
NoFlo UI is then available in your browser at http://localhost:8097/
For testing, we are using the Mocha library with the Chai assertion library, and Sinon.JS spies and stubs. We are using the Istanbul library to track code coverage.
To get started the first time, install mocha and Istanbul if you have not already done so:
sudo npm install -g mocha
sudo npm install -g istanbul
Next, check out the noflo-rdf-components repository and install its dependent components:
git clone
cd noflo-rdf-components
npm install
At this point, you are ready to run mocha:
cd noflo-rdf-components
This should execute the current test suite of tests, located in the noflo-rdf-components/tests directory. To run a single test:
mocha test/<test file>
To see the code coverage of the tests, run Istanbul and bring the results up in your preferred browser:
cd noflo-rdf-components
istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec
open coverage/lcov-report/index.html
For documentation on writing tests, please refer to the noflo-rdf-pipeline developer testing wiki.