In my projects I always have an init.R script that I run before all others. It varies based on project but typically looks something like this:
library(magrittr) # for %<>% and %$%
library(dplyr) # the main workhorse
# ... etc
library(dismisc) # this package
.rt_scratch <- "/path/to/scratch/directory/"
.rt_proj <- '"/path/to/proj/directory/"
.rt_data <- '"/path/to/data/directory/"
.rt_scripts <- '"/path/to/scripts/directory/"
Note: these are obsolete though kept for running old code. It's better to use hidden objects, like .rt_scratch <- "/path/to/scratch/directory/" etc.
tlag, tlead - taken from, lead/lag by a time variable
tab - as tab from stata, but only works for vectors
su_up - as su from stata, but only works for vectors
clear_all_labels(df) - removes all labels from the columns of the dataframe df (there may be a better way)
get_non_numerics(x) - given a vector returns the subvector that will go to NA when coerced
download_them_all() - downloads files in a list of links
dismisc_extrapolate() - extrapolate in a grouped dplyr::mutate using stats::splines or lm. (Special name to avoid conflicts.)
mdb_get() - a simplified version of Hmisc::mdb.get.
parse_censored_data_edfacts() - parses a particular time of numerically censored data. (Special name to avoid conflicts; named this way because edfacts data has this structure, although I've seen it elsewhere too.)
- get_non_numerics(). Maybe just do c("1","3","h","i","32","32.32") %>% .[] -- It's almost as much typing.
These comments might help people who are trying to figure out how to solve certain common data problems that sound like they need a new function but actually can be solved easily with dplyr etc.
db_init(). Don't make a function to load libraries etc.; make a script init.R for each project instead. This way you can call setrt() in the init.R script.
- Instead, use df %<>% mutate_all(funs(as.character(.)))
lager()/leader(). Instead use statar::tlag in a dplyr::mutate.
print.db.table() and other xtable hacks. Instead use R.rsp with a latex template file. More details on this in a future version of dismisc.
- I used to use this a lot so that foreign::write.dta() worked. Instead use df %<>% mutate_all(funs(ifelse(.=="",NA,.))). Proof:
df <- data_frame(x = c("a","b",""), y = 1:3)
df %>% mutate_all(funs(ifelse(.=="",NA,.)))
- convertsp2.names and convert_2.names. Just do names(df) %<>% str_replace_all(pattern = "[ ]", replacement = ".") etc.