@ageitgey example of using machine learning to solve CAPTCHAs as described in How to break a CAPTCHA system in 15 minutes with Machine Learning
I followed https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/12/19/install-opencv-3-on-macos-with-homebrew-the-easy-way/ to install OpenCV. Note that we also need h5py which was missing from the requirements.txt file.
pip3 install h5py
To run these scripts, you need the following installed:
- Python 3
- OpenCV 3 w/ Python extensions
- I highly recommend these OpenCV installation guides: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/opencv-tutorials-resources-guides/
- The python libraries listed in requirements.txt
- Try running "pip3 install -r requirements.txt"
python3 extract_single_letters_from_captchas.py
The results will be stored in the "extracted_letter_images" folder.
python3 train_model.py
This will write out "captcha_model.hdf5" and "model_labels.dat"
python3 solve_captchas_with_model.py
[Note rdmp] When running on a Mac make sure you click on the image with the CAPTCHA then press any key to get the next solution. If you have the Terminal window in the foreground nothing will happen when you press a key.