This module provides a straightforward method to generate quasar object templates for the DESI survey based on a two-stage method involving heteroscedastic matrix factorization (HMF) and principal component analysis (PCA).
HMF is a probabilistic factor analysis method for performing dimensionality reduction on high dimensional data when the application is not agnostic toward non-uniform observational uncertainties. This models the spectrum of each observed object as a sum of k
linear components in terms by jointly learning the coefficient vector and the basis spectra. The error term is assumed to be drawn from a zero-meaned Gaussian distribution. The HMF method seeks to minimize the scalar objective function, chi-squared. More information:
PCA then retrieves orthogonal components from the learned basis vectors and weights. The empca
module (@sbailey) provides an iterative method for solving PCA while properly weighting the data.
Example iPython notebooks to develop templates are provided in the /data_v6 directory.
Steps to develop templates include:
- Processing
spectra spanning the whole observed wavelength range by reading from a hardcodedbasedir
that assumes the catalog is hosted on a public access NERSC directory - Normalizing the selected spectra by aggregating into subsets of 5 and standardizing to the mean flux of this group
- Remove the outliers in 3 iterations using the chi-squared statistic and a tuned cut-off
- Run the implemented HMF method to learn the weight coefficients and basis vectors
- Perform PCA on the learned model by following the directions in
linked here: