This includes both a bash function and Python class that implements exclusive locking via a filesystem file.
This is used to prevent multiple instances of a script from running at the same time.
Uses trap to remove a lockfile on exit of script. This is one big advantage over using "lockfile(1)" within the script.
Writes PID to lockfile and detects if locked process has exited.
Provides atomic semantics via "ln"/
Unit tests.
Copy the "bashlock" function into your code and then call it with a lockfile name, exit on failure:
bashlock /var/run/${0##*/}.pid || exit 1
# [Remainder of script code here]
or using an environment variable:
bashlock || exit 1
# [Remainder of script code here]
from bashlock import Bashlock
if not Bashlock('/tmp/locktest').acquire():
print('Unable to obtain lock')
# [Remainder of code here]
To run the tests:
bash tests/bashtest
python3 -m pytest tests/*.py
The following exit codes are used:
* 0: Lock successfully obtained
* 1: Lock is held by another process
* 2: Usage error
* 3: Failed to write temporary lockfile
Author: Sean Reifschneider
Date: Wed Sep 18, 2013
License: 2-Clause BSD