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A checklist detailing DevSecOps practices for EVM-based projects.


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Solidity DevSecOps Standard.

DevSecOps standard for teams wishing to build secure software for EVM-based blockchain networks from the ground up and post deployment. A more detailed guide is in development. This checklist itself is still being improved upon.

Based on work by ConsenSys Diligence, the Secureum and inspired by the solcurity standard. Additionally, I'd like to thank my colleague and mentor Dominik Muhs for his feedback in making this guide.


The concept behind this repo and the suggestions herein are to "shift left" your security in the software development life cycle as much as possible to spot edge cases and major bugs early. Additionally, they're meant to be an attempt at ensuring a high security standard throughout your project's existence. This has the effect of saving you from major rewrites of your code base and saving the time and money it would've taken to fix those issues later on. Of course, not getting exploited for millions of dollars is a win too.

Human Elements/Mindset

  • Educate developers on security best practices i.e ConsenSys and Trail of Bits.
  • Have atleast one security engineer monitoring and reviewing commits for security pitfalls and potential vulnerabilities whether internally or contracted. If you absolutely cannot afford one then atleast have a security oriented developer on the team reviewing git commits with the Solcurity Standard.
  • Code should be written according to the following principles and standards starting with Saltzer and Shroeder's 10 secure design principles as applied to smart contracts.
  • Ensure that your security measures fit and augment users rather than being a hindrance to how they use your software. This is a good expansion on what I'm talking about. I'll be sure to write a guide on this as applied to DeFi some time in the future. :) Essentially, you should keep in mind HCI (Human Computer Interaction) as you design your software.

Documentation and specification

Documentation is an underrated part of secure development. Often if you ask security consultants what their major pain points are then documentation will come up. Either it's not clear or just not there at all. Your protocol's documentation should be top notch thus improving the readability, auditability and maintainability of your code benefiting auditors and new developers on your team alike.

  • Have a plain English description of what you are building, and why you are building it. Do this for both the overall system and each unique contract within the system.
  • Include a specification of your system’s intended functionality. For each contract, you should describe the most important properties or behaviors that should be maintained. You should also describe the actions and states that should not be possible. A good example is the 0x protocol spec.
  • Add architectural diagrams, including the contract interactions and the state machine of the system. Using Surya through Solidity Visual Auditor(GUI) and Slither printers(CLI) can assist you in generating your diagrams.
  • Your code should be well commented. Aim for atleast 80% coverage, if that's too monumental for you then prioritise troublesome or complicated lines of code should have appropriate comments attached i.e functions with inline assembly or novel logic which is easy to mess up. The NatSpec format is recommended for this.


  • Find access control issues or other specific problems in your code with Solgrep - A scriptable semantic grep utility for solidity.
  • Your code must be well tested(unit and integration) with ideally 100% code coverage. Important: Your README should give clear instructions for running the test suite. If any dependencies are not packaged with your code (e.g. Truffle), list them and their exact versions.
  • Adhere to a standard programming style to improve readability and auditability i.e the official solidity style.
  • Use well tested libraries like OpenZeppelin libraries to implement functions i.e "Don't roll your own cryptography" or "Don't reinvent the wheel." to minimize bugs and mistakes that may lead to disasters.
  • Keep it clean i.e
    1. Run a linter on your code. Fix any errors or warnings unless you have a good reason not to. For Solidity, we like Ethlint.
    2. If the compiler outputs any warnings, address them.
    3. Remove any comments that indicate unfinished work (ie. TODO or FIXME). (This is assuming it’s your final audit before deploying to mainnet. If not, exercise your judgement about what makes sense to leave in.)
    4. Remove any code that has been commented out.
    5. Remove any code you don’t need.
  • Write Scribble properties for robust and incremental fuzzing with MythX(Harvey) or Echidna upon commits. An introduction to fuzzing Ethereum smart contracts with Echidna from ToB itself can be found here.
  • Ensure your code has proper audit logs and event emissions set up. Effective alerting could mean the difference between being rekt and staying afloat.
  • Consider importing and using the Pausable library from OpenZeppelin as a multi-sig function(or centralized onlyOwner) in order to freeze the contract in case of an exploit.
  • Avoid writing any inline assembly unless you have absolutely mastered the Ethereum yellow paper. I've got my eye on you optimizers.
  • Additionally, the compiler has come a long way in recent releases so you should check whether your assembly saves more gas than the default. At times, you might even be using up more!

CI/CD Pipeline

  • Integrate security tools into your CI. A few examples are Slither and Echidna GitHub Actions, Mythril and the paid SaaS security tools MythX and Diligence Fuzzing. Foundry and DappTools have integrated fuzzers as well.
  • MythX recommended usage:
    • Quick scan every commit.
    • Standard scan at development milestones.
    • Deep scan prior to audits/releases.
  • It is strongly suggested to write your property tests with Scribble. A specification language from ConsenSys Diligence. This allows you to re-use properties across different tools and facilitate incremental fuzzing.

Fuzzing, static analysis and even symbolic execution should be done as often as possible to reduce security debt upon audits.

Post deployment to mainnet

  • Acquire insurance in case of exploits. An example of a project offering exploit insurance is Fides.
  • Set up a bug bounty programme for responsible disclosure via platforms like Fides and Immunefi.
  • Make sure your development/security team is easily accessible in case a security researcher wishes to alert you to a problem in your code. Establish points of contact i.e e-mail addresses, Telegram/Twitter usernames(with open DMs) etc in your project's Github README, website and via Blockchain Security Contacts.
  • The security of the privileged wallets should be of the utmost importance and each of the holders(if using hardware wallets) MUST read and follow these best practices without fail.
  • Additionally, make your functions multi-sig where possible to lessen impact should an attacker manage to gain control of one.
  • Ensure you have an incident response plan and assume that your smart contracts can and will be compromised. The code might be free of obvious bugs but an attacker might take over the contract owner's keys.

Security alerts

Time is of the essence if your protocol is ever the victim of an exploit and so a proper alert system is crucial to your continued security.

  • Set up alerts to certain Forta agents with OpenZeppelin's Defender Sentinel.
  • Consider monitoring transaction activity involving privileged functions e.g functions restricted to Owners, adding or deleting privileged addresses, etc.

Off-chain Components

Off chain components of your decentralized(or not so decentralized) application are just as important as on-chain smart contracts even in web2. Ensuring the security of your frontend and backend is critical.

  • Employ Security Engineers in testing common web vulnerabilities using the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide although this is far from a panacea. Assuming you have a good security professional on your team they will know what to do otherwise it's best to employ blockchain security firms whose expertise extends across the stack e.g ConsenSys Diligence, Trail of Bits, Sigma Prime, Halborn etc.
  • Blockchain Security Engineers/Researchers wishing to expand their skillset to cover this area as well are encouraged to look into PortSwigger's Web Security Academy
  • Educate developers on secure coding practices here as well.
  • Use a dependency manager like it depends. It enumerates all third party dependencies for a software package, maps those dependencies to known security vulnerabilities and compares the similarity between two packages based on their dependencies. Supported languages are: Go, JavaScript, Rust, Python, and C/C++.


A checklist detailing DevSecOps practices for EVM-based projects.







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