realizehit API server
Probably you might want to use realizehit/realizehit instead.
npm i -g realizehit-server-api
var ApiServer = require( 'realizehit-server-api' )
var server = new ApiServer({
httpPort: '8080'
docker run -d --name=redis redis
docker run -d \
--name=realizehit-server-api \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e REDIS_URI="redis://redis:6379" \
--link redis:redis \
So here is a list of appliable variables:
Defaults to redis://localhost:6379
You should always specify a way to this communicate with redis.
Defaults to
Defaults to 8080
Defaults to /
Defaults to http://{{SERVER_HOST}}:{{SERVER_API_PORT}}
Here you should define the URI of the public accessible endpoint.
npm install
npm start
docker build -t realizehit/server-api:dev .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 realizehit/server-api:dev