This library is in early development and it is not intended to be used for large productions.
A lightweight networking library with buffers, extremely friendly syntax and focused on giving you high control over your Remote behavior.
reliability = "realkastien/reliability@0.0.4"
Reliability is intended to give you close contact to raw RemoteEvent | UnreliableRemoteEvent usage.
- Client & Server:
local YourRemote: RemoteEvent = Reliability.getReliable("NameOfYourRemote")
- Client & Server:
local YourRemote: UnreliableRemoteEvent = Reliability.getUnreliable("NameOfYourRemote")
- Client & Server:
-- The prefix is completely optional
local PREFIX: string = "PrefixAppliedToAllRemotes"
-- Define all of your remotes at once
local YourRemotes = {
YourUnreliableRemoteEvent = "Unreliable";
YourRemoteEvent = "Reliable";
YouNameIt = "Reliable";
MultipleRemotesAtOnce = "Unreliable";
FunctionsToo = "Function";
-- Returns a dictionary containing your remotes
local YourRemotes = Reliability.getNetwork(YourRemotes, PREFIX)
Serde layers are responsible for serializing and deserializing data, using Reliability you can do that pretty easily:
type PacketSerde = Reliability.PacketSerde
local SerdeLayer = Reliability.SerdeLayer
local StringSerde: PacketSerde = SerdeLayer.String
local YourNewBuffer: buffer = StringSerde:Serialize("I am a string")
local YourStringBack: string = StringSerde:Deserialize(YourNewBuffer)
print(YourStringBack) -- I am a string
All Serdes available:
Type | Description |
Tuple(...) | For tuples of other serdes |
Dict({[string]: PacketSerde}) | For tables with string-only indexes |
Array({PacketSerde}) | For tables with numeric indexes |
String | Any string |
UInt8 | Numbers between 0 and 255 |
UInt16 | Numbers between 0 and 65,536 |
UInt32 | Numbers between 0 and 4,294,967,295 |
FInt64 | Numbers between 0 and 9,007,199,254,740,992 |
Vector3 | For Vector3 or any structure that contains X,Y,Z values |
CFrame | For any CFrame, storing both position and orientation information |